Fully Expanded Page Tree
Fully Expanded Page Tree
- General overview of Akraino
- Akraino Edge Stack
- Akraino Edge Stack Goal and Key Principles
- Akraino Integration Projects (Blueprints)
- Blueprint Proposals
- Blueprint States
- Approved blueprints
- AI/ML and AR/VR applications at Edge
- Edge Video Processing
- Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- IEC Type 1 Hardware Setup
- IEC Release 2 Documentation
- IEC Type 2 for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- IEC Gerrit
- IEC mailing list
- IEC Validation Lab
- IEC Internal Verification and Validation Lab Setup
- IEC Jira
- IEC Type 1 for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- IEC Engineering Plan
- IEC Type 2 Release 5 Documentation
- IEC Demo Videos
- IEC Type 4: AR/VR oriented Edge Stack for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- Release 5 Documentation
- IEC Type 4 Validation Lab
- IEC Type 4 Meetings
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2021.10.12
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2020.09.01
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2021.03.30
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2021.01.05
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2021.01.19
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2021.04.13
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2020.06.29
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2021.11.09
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2020.05.04
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2021.07.06
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2020.07.14
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2020.08.11
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2020.05.12
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2020.09.08
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2021.03.16
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2020.11.03
- IEC Type 4 AR/VR Blueprint Minutes 2020.07.07
- Release 3 Documentation
- Core Review Certification of IEC Type 4 AR/VR Oriented Edge Stack
- Source Code Analysis IEC Type 4: AR/VR oriented Edge Stack for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- Release 6 Documentation
- Maturity Review Certification of IEC Type 4 AR/VR Oriented Edge Stack
- Release 4 Documentation
- Landing Application of IEC Type 4: AR/VR oriented Edge Stack for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- Release 2 Documentation
- IEC Type1&2 Release 1 Milestone Certification
- IEC Release 1 Documentation
- IEC Type 2 R6 Executive One Pager
- IEC Type 1 & 2 Landing Application
- IEC Meetings
- IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- Release 6 Documentation for IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 6 Architecture Document of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 6 Installation Document of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 6 Datasheet of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 6 Test Document of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 6 Release Notes of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Landing Application of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- Release 3 Documentation for IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- R3 Architecture Document of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- R3 Test Document of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- R3 Datasheet of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- R3 Release Notes of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- R3 Installation Document of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 5 Documentation for IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 5 Test Document of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 5 Datasheet of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 5 Installation Document of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 5 Release Notes of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 5 Architecture Document of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 4 Documentation for IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 4 Architecture Document of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 4 Release Notes of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 4 Datasheet of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 4 Test Document of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Release 4 Installation Document of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- IEC Type3 Source Code Analysis
- Meetings of IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- Maturity Review Certification of Android Cloud
- Release 6 Documentation for IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge
- IEC Blueprints Installation Overview
- Integrated Edge Cloud Type 1 and Type 2 Maturity Review Certification
- IEC Hardware Requirement
- IEC Gerrit and Code Repository Overview
- IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- Release 7 Documentation for IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint FamilyRelease 7 Documentation for IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint Family
- Release 7 Documentation for IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint FamilyR7 Datasheet Document of IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint Family
- Release 7 Documentation for IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint FamilyR7 Architecture Document of IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint Family
- Release 7 Documentation for IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint FamilyR7 API Document of IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint Family
- Release 7 Documentation for IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint FamilyR7 Test Document of IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint Family
- Release 7 Documentation for IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint FamilyR7 Release Notes of IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint Family
- Release 7 Documentation for IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint FamilyR7 Installation Document of IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint Family
- Maturity Review Certification of SmartNIC
- Blogs of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- Meetings of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- Landing Application of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- Release 5 Documentation for IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- R5 Release Notes of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- R5 Test Document of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- R5 Installation Document of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- R5 Architecture Document of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- SmartNIC Gerrit and Source Code
- Release 3 Documentation for IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- R3 Architecture Document of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- R3 Release Notes of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- R3 Installation Document of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- R3 Test Document of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- Release 4 Documentation for IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- R4 Release Notes of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- R4 Installation Document of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- R4 Architecture Document of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- R4 Test Document of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
- Release 6 Documentation for IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint Family
- R6 Installation Document of IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint Family
- R6 Release Notes of IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint Family
- R6 Test Document of IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint Family
- R6 API Document of IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint Family
- R6 Architecture Document of IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint Family
- R6 Datasheet Document of IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint Family
- Release 7 Documentation for IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint FamilyRelease 7 Documentation for IEC Type 5: Composable Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Server Blueprint Family
- Kubernetes-Native Infrastructure (KNI) Blueprint Family
- KNI Team & Logistics
- zzz - Archived
- KNI Blueprints
- KNI Documentation
- MicroMEC
- Network Cloud Blueprint Family
- Network Cloud Projects
- Monthly Meeting Notes for Unicycle/Rover/OVS-DPDK
- OVS-DPDK Unicycle Blueprint Project
- Unicycle with SR-IOV Project
- Rover Project
- Serverless Project
- Network Cloud and TF Integration Project
- NC Family Documentation - Release 1
- R1 Network Cloud Blueprints
- R1 Release Notes
- Network Cloud Architecture
- R1 Installation Guides
- R1 API Documentation
- Validation Labs
- NC Family Documentation - Release 2
- Network Cloud Archive
- NC Family Documentation - Release 3
- NC Family Documentation - Release 4
- Network Cloud Projects
- StarlingX Far Edge Distributed Cloud
- Telco Appliance Blueprint Family
- Radio Edge Cloud (REC)
- Radio Edge Cloud Release 2 Maturity Review Certification
- REC Gerrit and Source Code
- Radio Edge Cloud Release 1 Milestone Certification
- Radio Edge Cloud Documentation
- Objective and Context of REC Blueprint
- Radio Edge Cloud (REC) Use Case Details
- Radio Edge Cloud (REC) Team Membership
- Radio Edge Cloud Project Meetings
- REC Project Minutes 2020.01.09
- REC Project Minutes 2019.08.22
- REC Project Minutes 2020.02.20
- REC Project Minutes 2020.01.02
- REC Project Minutes 2019.11.14
- REC Project Minutes 2019.05.23
- REC Project Minutes 2020.05.21
- REC Project Minutes 2019.08.15
- REC Project Minutes 2019.09.19
- REC Project Minutes 2019.10.31
- REC Project Minutes 2020.10.08
- REC Project Minutes 2020.06.04
- REC Project Minutes 2020.06.25
- REC Project Minutes 2020.08.13
- REC Project Minutes 2020.06.18
- REC Project Minutes 2020.05.07
- REC Project Minutes 2021.01.28
- REC Project Minutes 2020.01.30
- REC Project Minutes 2020.01.23
- REC Project Minutes 2019.09.26
- REC Project Minutes 2021.02.04
- REC Project Minutes 2019.05.30
- REC Project Minutes 2019.09.05
- REC Project Minutes 2020.08.06
- REC Project Minutes 2019.11.07
- REC Project Minutes 2020.03.19
- REC Project Minutes 2020.08.27
- REC Project Minutes 2020.05.14
- REC Project Minutes 2020.07.16
- REC Project Minutes 2021.01.07
- REC Project Minutes 2019.03.19
- REC Project Minutes 2020.10.01
- REC Project Minutes 2019.09.12
- REC Project Minutes 2019.07.18
- REC Project Minutes 2019.05.02
- REC Project Minutes 2020.04.30
- REC Project Minutes 2019.08.29
- REC Project Minutes 2019.07.11
- REC Project Minutes 2020.12.10
- REC Project Minutes 2020.10.22
- REC Project Minutes 2020.04.09
- REC Project Minutes 2020.07.23
- REC Project Minutes 2019.12.12
- REC Project Minutes 2019.03.26
- REC Project Minutes 2019.07.25
- REC Project Minutes 2019.03.12
- REC Project Minutes 2021.01.14
- REC Project Minutes 2020.10.29
- REC Project Minutes 2020.09.03
- REC Project Minutes 2020.03.05
- REC Project Minutes 2020.08.20
- REC Project Minutes 2019.11.21
- REC Project Minutes 2020.07.09
- REC Project Minutes 2019.10.17
- REC Project Minutes 2020.06.11
- REC Project Minutes 2019.04.18
- REC Project Minutes 2020.07.02
- REC Project Minutes 2020.02.06
- REC Project Minutes 2020.05.28
- REC Project Minutes 2019.04.09
- REC Project Minutes 2020.04.23
- REC Project Minutes 2020.09.17
- REC Project Minutes 2019.06.20
- REC Project Minutes 2020.02.13
- REC Project Minutes 2020.12.17
- REC Project Minutes 2020.10.15
- REC Project Minutes 2020.02.27
- REC Project Minutes 2019.10.10
- REC Project Minutes 2020.07.30
- REC Project Minutes 2019.04.02
- REC Project Minutes 2019.06.13
- REC Project Minutes 2020.03.26
- REC Project Minutes 2019.10.03
- REC Project Minutes 2020.12.03
- REC Project Minutes 2019.06.27
- REC Project Minutes 2019.12.05
- REC Project Minutes 2020.04.02
- REC Project Minutes 2019.06.06
- REC Project Minutes 2019.10.24
- REC Project Minutes 2020.11.19
- REC Project Minutes 2020.03.12
- REC Project Minutes 2020.09.10
- REC Project Minutes 2020.01.16
- REC Project Minutes 2020.04.16
- REC Landing Application
- Porting REC on aarch64
- SDN Enabled Broadband Access (SEBA) for Telco Appliance Blueprint Family
- SEBA Reference Material
- SEBA Weekly Meetings
- SEBA for TA minutes 2019.09.30
- SEBA for TA minutes 2019.09.23
- SEBA for TA minutes 2019.09.16
- SEBA for TA minutes 2019.10.07
- SEBA for TA minutes 2019.10.14
- SEBA for TA minutes 2019.10.21
- SEBA for TA minutes 2019.10.28
- SEBA for TA minutes 2019.11.4
- SEBA for TA minutes 2019.11.11
- SEBA for TA minutes 2019.11.18
- SEBA for TA minutes 2019.11.25
- SEBA for TA minutes 2019.12.02
- SEBA for TA minutes 2019.12.16
- SEBA for TA minutes 2020.01.06
- SEBA for TA minutes 2020.01.13
- SEBA for TA minutes 2020.01.20
- SEBA for TA minutes 2020.01.27
- SEBA for TA minutes 2020.02.03
- SEBA For ARM Documentation
- SEBA for Telco Appliance - Akraino Release 2 Milestones for Self-Certification
- SEBA Blueprint Documentation
- Radio Edge Cloud (REC)
- Time-Critical Edge Compute
- Integrated Cloud Native NFV/App stack family (Short term: ICN)
- ICN R6 Release
- Multi-Tenant Secure Cloud Native Platform
- ICN-DAAS (Distributed AI Analytics Stack)
- ICN R5 Release
- Private LTE/5G ICN Blueprint
- ONAP profile for ICN
- ICN Landing Application
- ICN Nodus
- Cloud Storage
- ICN R4 Timeline
- QAT enabling in Virtlet
- QAT enabling in Kubevirt
- Binary Provisioning Agent (BPA) Operator Specs
- CI/CD with Jenkins
- RESTful API Binary Provisioning Agent (BPA)
- ICN R3 Timeline
- ICN Source Code Analysis
- BPA Software CR Specs
- ICN R2 Timelines
- ICN Local Controller test cases
- ICN R5 Timeline
- ICN Landing Applications
- ICN EdgeXFoundry in docker-compose
- ICN Metal3 Baremetal Operator
- ICN KUD (KUbernetes Deployment)
- ICN Bootable ISO
- Bluval - Blueprint Validation
- ICN Edge-5G
- ICN R3 Release
- ICN R2 Release
- ICN R2 Release Data sheet
- ICN MICN R3 Release Data sheet
- ICN R4 Release
- ICN Weekly meeting details
- 5G MEC System Blueprint Family
- 5G MEC/Slice System to Support Cloud Gaming, HD Video and Live Broadcasting Blueprint
- 5G MEC System BP Family Weekly Meeting
- Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge
- Release 4 Documentation - Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R4 - API Documentation Enterprise Application on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R4 - Test Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R4 - Release Notes of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R4 - Architecture Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R4 - Installation Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- EALTEdge Rel 4 Datasheet
- EALT-EDGE Source code Analysis.
- Release 5 Documentation - Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge
- R5 - Test Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- EALTEDGE Release 5 Datasheet
- R5 - Architecture Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge
- Release 5.1 documents
- R5.1 - Release Notes of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R5.1 - Installation Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- EALTEDGE Release 5.1 Datasheet
- R5.1 - Test Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R5.1 - Architecture Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge
- R5.1 - API Documentation Enterprise Application on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R5 - API Documentation Enterprise Application on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R5 - Installation Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R5 - Release Notes of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- EALT-EDGE Landing Application
- Release 6 Documentation - Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge
- R6 - API Documentation Enterprise Application on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R6 - Architecture Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge
- R6 - Release Notes of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R6 - Test Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R6 - Installation Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- EALTEDGE Release 6 Datasheet
- Maturity Review Certification of EALTEdge
- Release 3 Documentation - Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R3 - Architecture Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R3 - Test Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- EALTEdge Rel 3 Datasheet
- R3 - API Documentation Enterprise Application on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R3 - Release Notes of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- R3 - Installation Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- Release 4 Documentation - Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
- Public Cloud Edge Interface (PCEI) Blueprint Family
- PCEI Landing Application
- PCEI Engineering Plan
- PCEI Source Code Analysis
- Edge Computing Machine (ECM) Blueprint of Public Cloud Edge Interface (PCEI) Blueprint Family
- Blogs of Federated Multi-Access Edge Cloud Platform
- PCEI Blueprint Meetings
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.06.09
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.03.02
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.07.20
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.05.07
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.04.14
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.06.22
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.09.02
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.08.25
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.03.17
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.01.27
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.06.02
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.08.04
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.01.20
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.09.22
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.07.01
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.05.11
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.11.11
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.05.13
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.09.09
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.03.09
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.11.18
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.12.02
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.07.06
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.12.01
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.09.28
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.12.09
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.06.10
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.11.03
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.06.23
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.11.04
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.05.19
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.07.13
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.05.05
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.09.16
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.09.30
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.01.26
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.07.28
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.12.08
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.04.13
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.08.03
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.01.19
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.04.28
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.03.31
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.12.15
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.12.16
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.10.28
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.08.12
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.08.05
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.09.01
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.07.14
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.08.19
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.04.07
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.07.21
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.10.13
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.11.17
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.08.26
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.02.10
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.06.03
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.02.03
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.11.09
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.11.10
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.02.02
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.10.19
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.03.10
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.04.27
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.01.13
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.07.08
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.03.24
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.05.27
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.10.07
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.06.24
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.10.20
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.02.24
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.07.29
- Blueprint Minutes 2021.09.08
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.01.12
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.03.30
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.08.31
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.10.21
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.06.16
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.06.17
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.01.06
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.10.14
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.05.25
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.05.20
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.09.14
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.05.12
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.09.29
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.07.15
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.02.16
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.05.04
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.01.05
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.05.18
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.04.06
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.02.09
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.06.15
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2022.08.10
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.02.17
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.10.06
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.07.07
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.07.22
- PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2021.06.30
- Anthos Blueprint of Public Cloud Edge Interface (PCEI) Blueprint Family
- Federated Multi-Access Edge Cloud Platform
- PCEI Documentation
- PCEI Release Notes
- EMCO/Development Links
- PCEI Release 6 Documentation
- PCEI Files
- ETSI-LF Edge Akraino Hackathon 2022
- PCEI Test Document
- PCEI API Document
- PCEI Architecture Document
- PCEI Blog
- PCEI Use Case Development
- PCEI Release 7 Documentation
- PCEI Release 3 Datasheet
- PCEI Release 4 Documentation
- PCEI Release 5 Documentation
- PCEI Installation Guide
- KubeEdge Edge Service Blueprint
- IoT Area
- IIoT at the Smart Device Edge (family)
- Predictive Maintenance (with a Thermal Imaging Camera, vibration sensors, etc.)
- IIoT Predictive Maintenance Release Notes
- IIoT Predictive Maintenance API/CLI
- IIoT Predictive Maintenance Architecture Document
- Meetings of Predictive Maintenance (with a Thermal Imaging Camera, vibration sensors, etc.)
- 2020.11.06 Predictive Maintenance (with a Thermal Imaging Camera, vibration sensors, etc.) Meeting Minutes
- 2020.12.11 Predictive Maintenance (with a Thermal Imaging Camera, vibration sensors, etc.) Meeting Minutes
- 2020.10.30 Predictive Maintenance (with a Thermal Imaging Camera, vibration sensors, etc.) Meeting Minutes
- 2020.12.17 Predictive Maintenance (with a Thermal Imaging Camera, vibration sensors, etc.) Meeting Minutes
- 2020.12.04 Predictive Maintenance (with a Thermal Imaging Camera, vibration sensors, etc.) Meeting Minutes
- 2020.11.13 Predictive Maintenance (with a Thermal Imaging Camera, vibration sensors, etc.) Meeting Minutes
- 2020.11.20 Predictive Maintenance (with a Thermal Imaging Camera, vibration sensors, etc.) Meeting Minutes
- 2020.10.23 Predictive Maintenance (with a Thermal Imaging Camera, vibration sensors, etc.) Meeting Minutes
- 2020.10.16 Predictive Maintenance (with a Thermal Imaging Camera, vibration sensors, etc.) Meeting Minutes
- IIoT Predictive Maintenance Installation Guide
- IIoT Predictive Maintenance Source Code Analysis
- IIoT Predictive Maintenance Test
- IIoT Predictive Maintenance Landing Applications
- Predictive Maintenance (with a Thermal Imaging Camera, vibration sensors, etc.)
- 5G Personal IoT Network(s) (PINs) and oneM2M IoT Service Layer (SL) Platform
- oneM2M Semantic enablement and ASD (Advanced Semantic Discovery) for (AE) "Resources"
- oneM2M IoT SL Common Service Functions (CSFs) (applied to all IoT Domains: SAREF IoT UCs (Use Cases)
- 3GPP 5G IoT-PCS (Platform Common Services)
- OPC UA Standard IEC 62 541 for Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture
- oneM2M IoT SL Architecture
- oneM2M IoT SL pre-integrated with 5G (3GPP) Specifications for cIoT & SCEF/NEF
- oneM2M IoT SL Release Roadmap
- oneM2M Test Suite Structure (TSS) and Test Purposes
- oneM2M Cloud Vendor Independent & ETSI MEC support
- oneM2M IoT SL and AI/ML use
- oneM2M Use Cases (UCs) and SAREF (Smart Applications REFerence) Ontology
- oneM2M IoT SL and CIM NGSI-LD (Context Information Management Next Generation Service Interface - Linked Data)
- 3GPP 5G HMTC (High Performance Machine Type Communication) SST (Service Slice Type)
- Project Cassini - IoT and Infrastructure Edge Blueprint Family
- Blogs of Project Cassini - IoT and Infrastructure Edge Blueprint Family
- Cassini Meetings
- Cassini Minutes 2022.01.28
- Cassini Minutes 2021.06.24
- Cassini Minutes 2021.12.17
- Cassini Minutes 2021.04.29
- Cassini Minutes 2022.04.01
- Cassini Minutes 2021.05.27
- Cassini Minutes 2021.10.07
- Cassini Minutes 2021.05.06
- Cassini Minutes 2021.05.14
- Cassini Minutes 2021.07.01
- Cassini Minutes 2021.04.16
- Cassini Minutes 2021.03.26
- Cassini Minutes 2022.01.07
- Cassini Minutes 2021.08.05
- Cassini Minutes 2021.04.22
- Cassini Minutes 2021.12.31
- Cassini Minutes 2021.03.16
- Cassini Minutes 2021.07.08
- Cassini Minutes 2022.01.21
- Software Defined Camera (SDC)
- Smart Cities
- Smart Cities R5 Security Certification
- Smart Cities R6 Upstream
- Maturity Review Certification of Smart Cities
- Smart Cities R5 CD Logs
- Smart Cities R5 Upstream
- Smart Cities R5 API Info Reporting
- Smart Cities R6 CD Logs
- Smart Cities R6 API Info Reporting
- Smart Cities R6 BluVal Certification
- Smart Cities R6 Documentation
- Smart Cities R5 Documentation
- Smart Cities R6 Security Certification
- Smart Cities R5 Executive One Pager
- Smart Cities R6 Executive One Pager
- ELIOT: Edge Lightweight and IoT Blueprint Family
- ELIOT gerrit
- ELIOT Release 2 Documentation
- ONS NA 2019 - ELIOT Demo
- Events
- ELIOT Blueprints Installation Overview
- ELIOT Release 6 Documentation
- ELIOT Landing Application
- ELIOT Gerrit and Code repo
- ELIOT Validation Lab Setup
- Akraino Goa Event
- ELIOT Blueprints
- ELIOT Weekly Meeting
- ELIOT Release 5 Documentation
- ELIOT Documentation
- ELIOT Release 3 Documentation
- ELIOT Release 1 Documentation
- Release 4
- ELIOT Jira
- ELIOT Release 4 Documentation
- Release 5
- IIoT at the Smart Device Edge (family)
- Tami COVID-19 Blueprint Family
- Automotive Area
- MEC-based Stable Topology Prediction for Vehicular Networks
- Server specifications
- Implementation Plan
- Project Introduction
- Guides (MEC-based)
- Relevant Blueprints/Projects
- Events (South-Korea)
- Release 5 - R5 (MEC-based)
- CD Logs - R5 (MEC-based)
- API Info Reporting - R5 (MEC-based)
- Executive One Pager - R5 (MEC-based)
- Release Notes - R5 (MEC-based)
- Upstream - R5 (MEC-based)
- Security Certification - R5 (MEC-based)
- Documentation - R5 (MEC-based)
- BluVal Certification - R5 (MEC-based)
- TSC Subgroup Release Statuses - R5 (MEC-based)
- Contributors
- Task (todo/done)
- Release 6 - R6 (MEC-based)
- Executive One Pager - R6 (MEC-based)
- Documentation - R6 (MEC-based)
- BluVal Certification - R6 (MEC-based)
- Security Certification - R6 (MEC-based)
- TSC Subgroup Release Statuses - R6 (MEC-based)
- Upstream - R6 (MEC-based)
- CD Logs - R6 (MEC-based)
- API Info Reporting - R6 (MEC-based)
- Release Notes - R6 (MEC-based)
- References
- Questions/Suggestions
- Connected Vehicle Blueprint(Aka CVB)
- Connected Vehicle Blueprint Project Meetings
- CVB Project Minutes 2020.11.16
- CVB Project Minutes 2020.04.06
- CVB Project Minutes 2020.07.21
- CVB Project Minutes 2021.05.25
- CVB Project Minutes 2020.05.04
- CVB Project Minutes 2021.01.05
- CVB Project Minutes 2020.06.29
- CVB Project Minutes 2020.08.25
- CVB Project Minutes 2020.07.07
- CVB Project Minutes 2020.07.14
- CVB Project Minutes 2021.03.16
- CVB Release 2 Documents
- CVB Landing Applications
- Core Review Certification of CVB
- CVB Source Code Analysis
- CVB Release 4 Documents
- Slide Deck
- CVB Release 5 Documents
- CVB Release 3 Documents
- Maturity Review Certification of CVB
- Team Members
- CI Lab Environment Setup
- Connected Vehicle Blueprint Project Meetings
- MEC-based Stable Topology Prediction for Vehicular Networks
- Smart Data Transaction for CPS
- Smart Data Transaction for CPS: Project time line
- Smart Data Transaction for CPS: Weekly Meeting Notes
- Smart Data Transaction for CPS: CI / CD
- Smart Data Transaction for CPS: Architecture diagram
- Smart Data Transaction for CPS Release6 Documentation
- Smart Data Transaction for CPS Release7 Documentation
- Smart Data Transaction for CPS R7 Blueprint Architecture
- Smart Data Transaction for CPS R7 Release Notes
- Smart Data Transaction for CPS R7 Test Documentation
- Smart Data Transaction for CPS R7 Installation Guide
- Smart Data Transaction for CPS R7 Datasheet
- Smart Data Transaction for CPS R7 API Documentation
- Metaverse Area
- Buffer at the Edge
- The AI Edge Blueprint Family
- The AI Edge: School/Education Video Security Monitoring
- Video Security Monitoring Release 5 Documentation
- Presentation Videos
- Source Code Analysis of The AI Edge: School/Education Video Security Monitoring
- Video Security Monitoring Release 4 Documentation
- Meetings of School/Education Video Security Monitoring
- Video Security Monitoring Release 3 Documentation
- Video Security Monitoring Release 6 Documentation
- Maturity Review Certification of Video Security Monitoring Blueprint
- Landing Application of The AI Edge: School/Education Video Security Monitoring
- Predictive Maintenance of Hardware
- IBL Skills Platform - Engineer Education
- The AI Edge: Federated ML application at edge
- Landing Applications of The AI Edge: Federated ML application at edge
- R6 Federated ML application at edge Documentation
- R6 Federated ML application at edge API Document
- R6 Federated ML application at edge Architecture Document
- R6 Federated ML application at edge Release Notes
- R6 Federated ML application at edge Installation Document
- R6 Federated ML application at edge Test Document
- R6 Federated ML application at edge Datasheet
- Source Code Analysis of The AI Edge: Federated ML application at edge
- Maturity Review Certification of Federated ML Application At Edge Blueprint
- Security Certification of The AI Edge: Federated ML application at edge
- R5 Federated ML application at edge Documentation
- R5 Federated ML application at edge Release Notes
- R5 Federated ML application at edge API Document
- R5 Federated ML application at edge Datasheet
- R5 Federated ML application at edge Installation Document
- R5 Federated ML application at edge Architecture Document
- R5 Federated ML application at edge Test Document
- BluVal Certification of The AI Edge: Federated ML application at edge
- Executive One Pager of The AI Edge: Federated ML application at edge
- Blogs of The AI Edge: Federated ML application at edge
- CD Logs of The AI Edge: Federated ML application at edge
- Federated ML application at edge Release 4 Documentation
- Federated ML application at edge R4 Datasheet
- Federated ML application at edge R4 Architecture Document
- Federated ML application at edge R4 Test Document
- Federated ML application at edge R4 Release Notes
- Federated ML application at edge R4 API Document
- Federated ML application at edge R4 Installation Document
- The AI Edge Blueprint Family Meetings
- The AI Edge Minutes 2021.10.28
- The AI Edge Minutes 2021.6.17
- The AI Edge Minutes 2020.11.20
- The AI Edge Minutes 2021.2.4.
- The AI Edge Minutes 2021.5.6
- The AI Edge Minutes 2020.09.18
- The AI Edge Minutes 2020.08.13
- The AI Edge Minutes 2020.09.04
- The AI Edge Minutes 2021.7.15
- The AI Edge Minutes 2021.7.1
- The AI Edge Minutes 2021.7.8
- The AI Edge Minutes 2021.6.3
- The AI Edge Minutes 2020.06.12
- The AI Edge Minutes 2020.08.27
- The AI Edge Minutes 2020.04.16
- The AI Edge Minutes 2021.11.25
- The AI Edge Minutes 2020.07.10
- The AI Edge Minutes 2021.8.5
- The AI Edge Minutes 2020.07.17
- The AI Edge Minutes 2021.7.22
- The AI Edge Minutes 2021.3.4.
- The AI Edge Minutes 2020.09.11
- The AI Edge Minutes 2020.07.03
- The AI Edge Minutes 2020.10.08
- The AI Edge Minutes 2021.6.24
- The AI Edge Minutes 2020.06.05
- The AI Edge Minutes 2023.02.09
- The AI Edge Minutes 2021.7.30
- The AI Edge Minutes 2022.12.15
- The AI Edge Minutes 2020.04.30
- Sustainability and natural environment protection blueprint
- Edge AI Virtual Agents
- The AI Edge: Intelligent Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation System(I-VICS)
- Executive One Pager of The AI Edge: Intelligent Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation System(I-VICS)
- I-VICS at edge Release 5 Documentation
- Landing Application of The AI Edge: Intelligent Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation System(I-VICS)
- Maturity Review Certification of I-VICS
- I-VICS at edge Release 4 Documentation
- CD Logs of The AI Edge: I-VICS
- Blogs of The AI Edge: I-VICS
- Source Code Analysis of The AI Edge: I-VICS
- The AI Edge: School/Education Video Security Monitoring
- CPS Robot Blueprint family
- Robot basic architecture based on SSES
- Robot basic architecture based on SSES : CI/CD
- Robot basic architecture based on SSES : Project time line
- Robot basic architecture based on SSES Release6 Documentation
- Robot basic architecture based on SSES Release7 Documentation
- Robot basic architecture based on SSES : Weekly Meeting Notes
- Temporary working space
- SSES Robotics Release 8 Documentation
- Robot basic architecture based on SSES
- OpenMined PipelineDP
- CFN (Computing Force Network) Ubiquitous Computing Force Scheduling
- Release 7 Documentation
- Meeting Information
- Meeting Minutes 1229-2022
- Meeting Minutes 1013-2022
- Meeting Minutes 2023-0223
- Meeting Minutes 2023-0323
- Meeting Minutes 0818-2022
- Meeting Minutes 2023-0330
- Meeting Minutes 1201-2022
- Meeting Minutes 0915-2022
- Meeting Minutes 0908-2022
- Meeting Minutes 1117-2022
- Meeting Minutes 2023-0803
- Meeting Minutes 2023-0706
- Meeting Minutes 2023-0523
- Meeting Minutes 0810-2022
- Meeting Minutes 2023-0615
- Meeting Minutes 2023-0810
- Meeting Minutes 2023-0112
- Meeting Minutes 1027-2022
- Meeting Minutes 0901-2022
- Meeting Minutes 0825-2022
- Meeting Minutes 2023-0824
- Meeting Minutes 1124-2022
- Meeting Minutes 2023-0216
- Meeting Minutes 1103-2022
- Release 8 Documentation
- Edge Service Enabling Platform
- Akraino Feature Projects (a.k.a Development Project)
- Approved Incubation Feature Projects
- API Gateway
- Akraino Blueprint Validation Framework
- Akraino Profiling
- MEC API Framework
- Akraino Portal Feature Project
- Cluster Health & Overload Monitoring Platform (CHOMP) Feature Project
- Backup and Restore (Snappy) Feature Project
- Support of OVS-DPDK in Airship
- Akraino Regional Controller
- Landscape Assessment
- Feature project Proposals
- Approved Incubation Feature Projects
- Point of Delivery (POD)
- Technical Steering Committee (TSC)
- 2020 Goals
- Akraino Generic Architecture
- Akraino Technical Community Document
- Application User Group
- Community Governance
- Community Meetings & Calendar
- Subcommittees
- Upstream & Downstream Sub-committee
- Outreach Sub-committee
- Akraino Release 6 Marketing
- Akraino Partners Page
- Akraino & NVidia Partner Page
- Akraino & Arm Partner Page
- Akraino & Ampere Partner Page
- Akraino & Huawei Partner Page
- Akraino & Intel Partner Page
- Akraino & Baidu Partner Page
- Akraino & Fujitsu Partner Page
- Akraino & Zenlayer Partner Page
- Akraino & Mavenir Partner Page
- Akraino & China Unicom Partner Page
- Akraino & China Mobile Partner Page
- Akraino & Nokia Partner Page
- Akraino & Wipro Partner Page
- Akraino & IBM Partner Page
- Akraino & Equinix Partner Page
- Akraino & WeBank Partner Page
- Akraino & Tencent Partner Page
- Akraino & Juniper Partner Page
- Akraino & Aarna Networks Partner Page
- Akraino & Signalogic Partner Page
- Akraino & Alicon Partner Page
- Akraino & Futurewei Partner Page
- Akraino & Socnoc AI Inc. Partner Page
- Akraino Whitepapers
- Akraino Videos
- Akraino Demos
- Akraino Announcements
- Akraino Blogs
- Akraino Release 5 Marketing
- Documentation Sub-committee
- Security Sub-committee
- Projects
- Meetings
- Security Scan Status
- Documents
- Akraino CVE Vulnerability Exception Request
- Steps To Implement Security Scan Requirements
- Maturity Blueprints: Akraino CVE and KHV Vulnerability Exception Request
- Release 6: Akraino CVE and KHV Vulnerability Exception Request
- Release 5: Akraino CVE Vulnerability Exception Request
- Akraino Security Development Lifecycle
- Release 7: Akraino CVE and KHV Vulnerability Exception Request
- Akraino Release SDL Requirements Matrix
- Akraino Security Requirements 0.2-draft
- Blueprint Scan Problems & Solutions
- Approved Documents
- Work Items
- API Sub-committee
- API Work Streams
- File Archive
- API Subcommittee Documents
- Blueprint Projects API Reporting Requirements
- Edge API White Papers
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 22May20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 17Jul20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 28Aug20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 5Jun20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 24Apr20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 15May20
- API Subcommittee - Meeting Recordings
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 12Jun20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 7Aug20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 26Jun20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 21 Aug 20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 27Mar20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 10Jul20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 11 Sept. 20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 20Mar20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 17Apr20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 24Jul20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 3Apr20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 29May20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 1May20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 8May20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 19Jun20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 14Aug20
- API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 10Apr20
- API Map Work
- CI, Blueprint Validation Lab sub-committee
- Process, Project review and recommend, documentation sub-committee
- Technical Community Sub-committee
- TAC Level Activities
- TSC Member Election for 2019-2020
- Open Action Item Tracker
- Agendas-Current and Upcoming
- Invited TechTalk Schedule
- TSC 2021-10-26 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-10-28(Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-11-04 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-11-11 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-11-18 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-11-30 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-12-07 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-12-14 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-01-04 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-01-11 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-01-18 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-01-25 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-02-01 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-02-10 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-02-17 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-02-24 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-03-03 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-03-15 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-03-22 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-03-24 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-03-29 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-03-31 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-04-05 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-04-07 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-04-12 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-04-14 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-04-19 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-04-21 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-04-26 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-04-28 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-05-03 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-05-05 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-05-10 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-05-12 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-05-17 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-05-19 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-05-24 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-05-26 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-05-31 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-06-02 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-06-07 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-06-09 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-06-14 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-06-16 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-06-21 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-06-23 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-06-28 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-06-30 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-07-05 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-07-07 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-07-12 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-07-14 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-07-19 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-07-21 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-07-26 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-07-28 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-08-02 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-08-04 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-08-09 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-08-11 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-08-16 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-08-18 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-08-23 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-08-25 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-08-30 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-09-01 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-09-06 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-09-08 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-09-13 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-09-15 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-09-20 - No meeting
- TSC 2022-09-22 - No meeting
- TSC 2022-09-27 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-09-29 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-10-04 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-10-06 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-10-11 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-10-13 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-10-18 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-10-20 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-10-27 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-11-03 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-11-10 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-11-17 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-11-24 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-12-15 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-12-1 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-12-22 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-12-29 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-12-8 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-01-05 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-01-12 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-01-19 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-01-26 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-02-16 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-02-23 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-02-2 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-02-9 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-03-02 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-03-09 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-03-16 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-03-23 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-03-30 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-04-06 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-04-13 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-04-20 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-04-27 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-05-04 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-05-11 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-05-18 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-05-25 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-06-01 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-06-07 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-06-15 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-06-22 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-06-29 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-07-06 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-07-13 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-07-20 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-07-27 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-08-03 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-08-10 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-08-17 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-08-24 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-08-31 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-09-07 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-09-14 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-09-21 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-09-28 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-10-05 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-10-12 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-10-26 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-11-02 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-11-09 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-11-16 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-11-23 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-11-30 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-12-14 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-12-21 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2023-12-7 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-1-11 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-1-18 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-1-26 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-2-15 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-2-1 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-2-22 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-2-29 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-2-8 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-3-14 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-3-21 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-3-28 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-3-7 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-4-11 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-4-18 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-4-25 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-4-4 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-5-16 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-5-23 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-5-30 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-5-9 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-6-13 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-6-20 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-6-27 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-6-6 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-7-11 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-7-18 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-7-25 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-8-1 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-8-8 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-8-22 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-8-29 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-9-5 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-9-12 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-9-19 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-9-26 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-10-03 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-10-10 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-10-17 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-10-24 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-10-31 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-11-07 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-11-14 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-11-21 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC meeting 2024-2025 Attendance
- TSC 2024-12-05 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-12-12 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2024-12-19 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2025-01-09 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2025-01-16 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2025-01-23 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2025-01-30 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2025-02-06 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2025-02-13 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2025-02-20 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2025-02-27 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- PTL Tenure Tracker
- Agendas-Previous
- Release 3 Review 2020-05-20 (Cancelled)
- Release 3 Review 2020-05-19 (Tues)
- Release 3 Review 2020-05-21 (Thurs) (Cancelled)
- Release 3 Review 2020-05-26 (Tues)
- Release 3 Review 2020-05-27 (Weds)
- Release 3 Review 2020-05-28 (Thurs)
- Release 3 Review 2020-06-02 (Tues)
- Release 3 Review 2020-06-03 (Weds)
- Release 3 Review 2020-06-04 (Thurs)
- Review of Release 3 2020-06-23
- Release 4 Review 2020-12-01 (Tues) 7 am Pacific
- Release 4 Review 2020-12-02 (Wed) 7 am Pacific
- Release 4 Review 2020-12-09 (Wed) 7 am Pacific
- Release 4 Review 2020-12-16 (Wed) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-03-24
- TSC 2020-03-26
- TSC 2020-03-31
- TSC 2020-04-02 (Thurs)
- TSC 2020-04-07 (Tues)
- TSC 2020-04-09 (Thurs)
- TSC 2020-04-14 (Tues)
- TSC 2020-04-16 (Thurs)
- TSC 2020-04-21 (Tues)
- TSC 2020-04-23 (Thurs)
- TSC 2020-04-28 (Tuesday)-
- TSC 2020-04-30 (Thur)
- TSC 2020-05-05 (Tues)
- TSC 2020-05-07 (Thurs)
- TSC 2020-05-12 (Tues)
- TSC 2020-05-14 (Thurs)
- TSC 2020-05-19 (Tues)
- TSC 2020-05-21 (Thurs)
- TSC 2020-05-26 (Tues)
- TSC 2020-05-28(Thurs)
- TSC 2020-06-02 (Tues)- Canceled
- TSC 2020-06-04(Thurs)
- TSC 2020-06-09 (Tues)
- TSC 2020-06-11 (Thurs)
- TSC 2020-06-16 (Tues)- Cancelled
- TSC 2020-06-18 (Thurs)
- TSC 2020-06-23 (Tues) - Cancelled
- TSC 2020-06-25 (Thurs)
- TSC 2020-06-30 (Tues)- Cancelled
- TSC 2020-07-02 (Thurs)
- TSC 2020-07-07 (Tues) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-07-09 (Thurs) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-07-14 (Tues) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-07-16 (Thurs) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-07-21 (Tues) 7 am PT
- TSC 2020-07-23 (Thurs) 7 am PT
- TSC 2020-07-28 (Tuesday) 7 am Pacific-
- TSC 2020-07-30 (Thursday) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-08-04- (Tues) 7 am PT
- TSC 2020-08-06 (Thurs) 7 am PT
- TSC 2020-08-11 (Tues) 7 am PT- canceled
- TSC 2020-08-13 (Thurs) 7 am PT
- TSC 2020-08-18 (Tues) 7 am (PT)
- TSC 2020-08-20 (Thurs) 7 am (PT)
- TSC 2020-08-25 (Tues) 7am (PT)
- TSC 2020-08-27 (Thurs) 7am (PT)
- TSC 2020-09-01 (Tues) 7 am PT
- TSC 2020-09-03 (Thurs) 7 am PT
- TSC 2020-09-08 (Tues) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-09-10 (Thurs) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-09-15 (Tuesday) 7 am PT
- TSC 2020-09-17 (7 am pacific time)
- TSC 2020-09-22 (Tuesday 7 am Pacific)
- TSC 2020-09-24 (Thursday) 7 am Pacific- Cancelled
- TSC 2020-09-29 (Tues) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-10-01 (Thurs) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-10-06- Tuesday 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-10-08 Thursday 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-10-13 Tuesday 7 am
- TSC 2020-10-15 Thursday 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-10-20 Tuesday 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-10-22 Thursday 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-10-27 (Tues) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-10-29 (Thurs) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-11-03 (Tues) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-11-05 (Thurs) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-11-10 (Tues) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-11-12 (Thurs) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-11-17 (Tues) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-11-19 (Thurs) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-11-24 (Tues) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-12-01 (Tues) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-12-03 (Thurs) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-12-08 (Tues) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-12-10 (Thurs) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-12-15 (Tues) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-12-17 (Thurs) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-01-05 (Tues) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-01-07 (Thurs) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-01-12 (Tues) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-01-14 (Thurs) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-01-19 (Tues) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-01-21 (Thursday) 7 am PT
- TSC 2021-01-26 (Tues) 7:00 am PT
- TSC 2021-01-28 (Thursday) 7 am PT
- TSC 2021-02-02 (Tues) 7 am PT
- TSC 2021-02-04 (Thurs) 7 am PT
- TSC 2021-02-09 (Tuesday) 7 am PST
- TSC 2021-02-11 (Thursday) 7 am PST
- TSC 2021-02-16 (Tuesday) 7 am PST
- TSC 2021-02-18 (Thursday) 7 am PST
- TSC 2021-02-23 (Tuesday) 7 am PST
- TSC 2021-02-25 (Thursday) 7 am PST
- TSC 2021-03-04 (Thursday) 7 am PST
- TSC 2020-03-09 (Tues)7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-03-11 (Thurs) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-03-16 (Tues) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2020-03-18 (Thurs) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-03-23 (Tuesday) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-03-25 (Thursday) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-03-30 (Tuesday) 7 am PDT
- TSC 2021-04-01 (Thursday) 7 am PDT
- TSC 2021-04-06 (Tuesday) 7 am PDT
- TSC 2021-04-08 (Thursday) 7 am PDT
- TSC 2021-04-13 (Tuesday) 7:00 am
- TSC 2021-04-15 (Thursday) 7 am PDT
- TSC 2021-04-20 (Tuesday) 7:00am PT
- TSC 2021-04-22 Thursday 7:00 am PT
- TSC 2021-04-27 (Tuesday) 7:00 am PT
- TSC 2021-04-29 (Thursday) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-05-04 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-05-06 Thursday 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-05-11 Tuesday 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-05-13 Thursday Pacific
- TSC 2021-05-18 (Tuesday) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-05-20 (Thursday) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-05-25 (Tuesday) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-05-27 (Thursday) 7am Pacific
- TSC 2021-06-01 (Tuesday) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-06-03 (Thursday) 7 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-06-08 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-06-10 (Thursday) 7:00 am
- TSC 2021-06-15 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-06-17 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-06-22 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-06-24 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-06-29 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-07-01 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-07-06 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-07-08 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-07-13 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-07-15 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-07-20 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-07-22 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-07-27 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-07-29 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-08-03 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-08-05 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-08-10 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-08-12 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-08-17 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-08-19 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-08-24 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-08-26 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-08-31 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-09-02 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-09-07 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-09-09 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-09-14 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-09-16 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-09-21 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-09-23 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-09-27 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-09-30 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-10-05 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-10-07 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-10-14 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-10-21 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-11-02 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-11-09 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-11-16 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-11-23 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-12-02 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-12-09 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-12-16 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-01-06 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-01-13 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-01-20 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-01-27 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-02-03 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-02-08 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-02-15 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-02-22 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-03-01 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-03-08 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2022-03-17 (Thursday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-10-12 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- TSC 2021-10-19 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific
- Sub-Committee Chair / Co-Chair Tenure Tracker
- TSC Member elections 2020-2021
- Technical Steering Committee (TSC) 2020-2021
- Landing Applications
- O-RAN/REC Special Interest Group (SIG)
- Akraino Certification Program
- Akraino Annual Awards
- TSC Member Election 2021-2022
- Technical Steering Committee (TSC) 2021-2022
- TSC Chair message for LF Edge 2021 report (Akraino)
- Akraino Forum for generating and evolving "innovative ideas"
- PTL List
- TSC Chair / Co-Chair Tenure Tracker
- TSC Member Election 2022-2023
- TSC Member Election 2023-2024
- Work in progress under TSC
- TSC Member Election 2024-2025
- Shared Community Lab
- Meeting notes
- Shared links
- File lists
- Collaboration with other organizations
- OpenComputeProject
- oneM2M IoT Service Layer (SL) Global Standard
- Linaro Edge & Fog Computing group
- KubeEdge
- EdgeX Foundry
- Proposal for Akraino Collaboration with O-RAN and O-RAN-SC
- Proposal for Akraino Collaboration with Anuket (merged from CNTT & OPNFV)
- April 2021 ETSI MEC ISG Chair Dario Sabella, ETSI MEC DECODE WG Chair Walter Featherstone and Uwe Rauschenbach, Senior Standardization Specialist and Rapporteur at ETSI presentation to Akraino TSC
- Akraino Contact Person for ETSI MEC selected at the TSC meeting on June 3d 2021
- Sept 2020 ETSI MEC ISG Chair Alex Reznik presentation to Akraino F2F Virtual Meeting
- March 2021 Akraino Project presentation to ETSI MEC ISG
- March 2021 ETSI MEC ISG Alex Reznik presentation at Akraino Technical Meeting
- Proposal for Akraino Collaboration with TIP
- OpenInfra Edge Computing Group
- Home Edge
- Industry events
- Troubleshooting articles
- Releases
- Confluence Overview
- What is Confluence? (step 1 of 9)
- A quick look at the editor (step 2 of 9)
- Let's edit this page (step 3 of 9)
- Prettify the page with an image (step 4 of 9)
- Get serious with a table (step 5 of 9)
- Lay out your page (step 6 of 9)
- Learn the wonders of autoconvert (step 7 of 9)
- Tell people what you think in a comment (step 8 of 9)
- Share your page with a team member (step 9 of 9)
- Fully Expanded Page Tree
- Project Reporting
- How-to articles
- Akraino Events
- 2021
- 09/22/2021 - 09/24/2021 Akraino Technical Meetings - Fall
- 11/23/2021 Akraino Reunion Meeting
- 09/15/2021 Akraino IoT Area Webinar / Regional Developer Meetup - Africa
- 07/26/2021 - 07/27/2021 Akraino Automotive Area workshop
- 03/01/2021 - 03/03/2021 Akraino Technical Meetings - Spring
- 09/28/2021 Akraino R5 Webinar: Expanding the Edge
- 11/24/2021 Akraino presentation to KICS on IoT (Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences)
- 2023
- 2020
- 2024
- 2022
- 2019
- 2018
- 2021
- Blueprint Maturity Reviews
- Akraino Regional Communities
- Blueprint Core Reviews
- Teenagers Parents Support Group
, multiple selections available,
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Documentation Sub-committee
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