TSC 2020-10-01 (Thurs) 7:00 am Pacific

TSC 2020-10-01 (Thurs) 7:00 am Pacific

Meeting Time: 07:00 AM PT / 02:00 PM UTC (See call time in different zones)

BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/184289009?pwd=aWRuMUs2dW5kUTNodS95UTZpTWh6QT09

Meeting Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/xDEYzmlMjyKsLU6IAL7sh2EmXWY9oRIok6l_ottDE5MONakf7jKynTqYKWcTVdFs.8zh9BI3Av4Zggull

(Example of collaborative meeting minutes, using Presos/Notes/Links: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/TSC+2020-03-12)


AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 


Agenda Items

Presented By



TSC Voting to approve thorking as BluVal PTL

Akraino Blueprint Validation Framework

It was approved that thorking became BluVal PTL.


Paul Carver

Ansible has been used in several blueprints like 

Public Cloud Edge Interface (PCEI) Blueprint Family and 

Radio Edge Cloud (REC). Is there any experience and expertise could be leveraged and shared?


Release Status

Release 4 Planning

samir@rebaca.com Vikram Siwach Jane Shen Randy Stricklin jim.xu@zenlayer.com Swarup Nayak

Private LTE/5G ICN Blueprint:

    - Integration with free5GC - In progress

    - Integration with TF - In progress


TSC responsibility

(Kandan will be unable to attend.  His recommendation is to table this for two weeks and let the new TSC get their feet wet.  Then come back to it)

Section 4.5 of Community documents outline the TSC responsibilities.

Draft Proposal:-

Elected TSC member's active participation within the community and in the TSC calls is critical for the success of the community. TSC member active participation on the TSC call is considered one of the prime duties of the TSC member. The TSC members on vacation or other office duties or inability to join TSC calls can request a proxy from their own company or another active contributor of Akraino to represent on the TSC calls and vote in behalf of them up to a maximum of five consecutive weeks by sending an email to Akraino-voting email list. TSC members do not return and resume their TSC duties after five consecutive weeks to be considered abandoned their TSC duties and considered that the TSC seat is vacant. TSC members who do not assign a proxy and do not show up more than four consecutive weeks to the TSC call are considered abandoned their TSC member position. The TSC Chair/Co-Chair can call for an interim election to reelect an alternative member on the above-said conditions for the vacant seat.


Akraino representative at the TAC

Kandan was the previous representative. 

TSC agreed Tina Tsou (Deactivated) to be the Akraino representative at the TAC.


5G and The Edge

Suresh Krishnan (Deactivated)


Sub-committee Chair Updates

Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)


Votes (template below)

Zoom Chat Log

Voting Template

TSC Voting to Approve thorking  to be BluVal PTL:

Motion: Tina Tsou (Deactivated)

Second: Oleg Berzin

From Tuesday 09/29