The next LF Edge governing board meeting is on Tuesday, April 26. TAC has an update slot.
- Release 6 target date is 4/30/2022.
- These blueprints are approved as part of Release 6.
- Joint ETSI - Akraino Hackathon approved. Hackathon planning is in progress. Akraino requested $5K of discretionary budget for the Hackathon funding. The Hackathon will focus on Edge Computing and 5G, Automotive and Metaverse areas. https://lf-akraino.atlassian.net/wiki/x/JITQ
- Akraino participated in the ETSI MEC Tech series podcasts (Episode #7). https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlNY888NYhGA_qOP_-dflG12xo37xEw7h__;!!PcPv50trKLWG!mZpfNxbYXuRd5i-RMA18jc9Y9PL0G4h94_8RXuAsnZhpenLi1WqiObK85s6ZfMsd$
, multiple selections available,