Monthly Meeting Notes for Unicycle/Rover/OVS-DPDK

Monthly Meeting Notes for Unicycle/Rover/OVS-DPDK

Topic: NC Rover/Unicycle/OVS-DPDK Monthly Meeting

Time: April 6, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

        First Monday Every month, until Oct 6, 2020, 8 occurrence(s)

Join Zoom Meeting:  https://zoom.us/j/367421865

Next meeting on TBD.


Announced that David Plunkett will step down as PTL for Rover/Unicycle w/SR-IOV due to changes in job responsibilities.  It has been a pleasure working with everyone and I look forward to seeing the community continue to grow and make an impact on the industry.

Reviewed Airship September update:  https://www.airshipit.org/blog/airship-update-september-2020/

Airship 2.0 beta is almost complete

Airship 2.0 Scope for Release discussion:  https://hackmd.io/93_0K4AAR9izrEpuDMa5Rw


Reviewed Airship August update:  https://www.airshipit.org/blog/airship-update-august-2020/

Open Infrastructure Summit will be October 19 - 23.

OpenStack Project Teams Gathering (PTG) will be October 26-30.


No major updates.  Development toward Airship 2.0 beta release is 59% complete.

See blog post for status:  https://www.airshipit.org/blog/airship-update-july-2020/


Meeting cancelled.  No major updates from Airship 2.0 to review. 

See blog post for status:  https://www.airshipit.org/blog/airship-update-june-2020/


Reviewed Airship 2.0 May update:  https://www.airshipit.org/blog/airship-update-may-2020/

On 06-May-2020 Airship 2.0's alpha milestone was declared complete.  Airship 2.0 is targeted for delivery later thi