Monthly Meeting Notes for Unicycle/Rover/OVS-DPDK

Monthly Meeting Notes for Unicycle/Rover/OVS-DPDK

Topic: NC Rover/Unicycle/OVS-DPDK Monthly Meeting

Time: April 6, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

        First Monday Every month, until Oct 6, 2020, 8 occurrence(s)

Join Zoom Meeting:  https://zoom.us/j/367421865

Next meeting on TBD.


Announced that David Plunkett will step down as PTL for Rover/Unicycle w/SR-IOV due to changes in job responsibilities.  It has been a pleasure working with everyone and I look forward to seeing the community continue to grow and make an impact on the industry.

Reviewed Airship September update:  https://www.airshipit.org/blog/airship-update-september-2020/

Airship 2.0 beta is almost complete

Airship 2.0 Scope for Release discussion:  https://hackmd.io/93_0K4AAR9izrEpuDMa5Rw


Reviewed Airship August update:  https://www.airshipit.org/blog/airship-update-august-2020/

Open Infrastructure Summit will be October 19 - 23.

OpenStack Project Teams Gathering (PTG) will be October 26-30.


No major updates.  Development toward Airship 2.0 beta release is 59% complete.

See blog post for status:  https://www.airshipit.org/blog/airship-update-july-2020/


Meeting cancelled.  No major updates from Airship 2.0 to review. 

See blog post for status:  https://www.airshipit.org/blog/airship-update-june-2020/


Reviewed Airship 2.0 May update:  https://www.airshipit.org/blog/airship-update-may-2020/

On 06-May-2020 Airship 2.0's alpha milestone was declared complete.  Airship 2.0 is targeted for delivery later this year,


Reviewed Airship 2.0 April update:  https://www.airshipit.org/blog/airship-update-april-2020/


First monthly checkpoint. 

Reminder, Rover, Unicycle OVS-DPDK and Unicycle SR-IOV will not be part of Akraino Release 3.

Continuing to monitor progress or Airship 2.0 development.


Meetings will be on the first Monday each month moving forward.

Reviewed Airship 2.0 March update:  https://www.airshipit.org/blog/airship-update-march-2020.html