I-VICS R4 Test Document

I-VICS R4 Test Document


<Details about Additional tests required for this Blue Print in addition to the Akraino Validation Feature Project>

This article motivates developers to adopt integration testing by explaining how to write, run, and evaluate the results of integration tests.

Akarino Test Group Information

<The Testing Ecosystem>

  1. colcon is used to build and run test
  2. pytest is used to eventually execute the test, generate jUnit format test result and evaluate the result
  3. unit testing describes testing big picture

Overall Test Architecture

Integration tests determine if independently developed software modules work correctly when the modules are connected to each other. In ROS 2, the software modules are called nodes.

Integration tests help to find the following types of errors:

  • Incompatible interaction between nodes, such as non-matching topics, different message types, or incompatible QoS settings
  • Reveal edge cases that were not touched with unit tests, such as a critical timing issue, network communication delay, disk I/O failure, and many other problems that can occur in production environments
  • Using tools like stress and udpreplay, performance of nodes is tested with real data or while the system is under high CPU/memory load, where situations such as malloc failures can be detected

Test Bed

Test Framework

This section provides examples for how to use the integration_tests framework. The architecture of integration_tests framework is shown in the diagram below.

integration_test architecture

Traffic Generator

Test API description

<Akraino common tests>

The Test inputs

Test Procedure

Expected output

Test Results

<Blueprint extension tests>

The Test inputs

Test Procedure

Expected output

Test Results

<Feature Project Tests>

Integration test with a single executable

The simplest scenario is a single node. Create a package named my_cool_pkg in the ~/workspace directory; it's recommended to use the package creation tool.

my_cool_pkg has an executable that prints Hello World to stdout. Follow the steps below to add an integration test:

  1. Create a file ~/workspace/src/my_cool_pkg/test/expected_outputs/my_cool_pkg_exe.regex with the content Hello\sWorld
    • The string in the file is the regular expression to test against the stdout of the executable
  2. Under the BUILD_TESTING code block, add a call to integration_tests to add the test
    set(MY_COOL_PKG_EXE "my_cool_pkg_exe")
    find_package(integration_tests REQUIRED)
    EXPECTED_OUTPUT_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/expected_outputs/"
  3. Build ~/workspace/, or just the my_cool_pkg package, using colcon:
    $ ade enter
    ade$ cd ~/workspace/
    ade$ colcon build --merge-install --packages-select my_cool_pkg
  4. Run the integration test
    $ ade enter
    ade$ cd ~/workspace/
    ade$ colcon test --merge-install --packages-select my_cool_pkg --ctest-args -R integration
    Starting >>> my_cool_pkg
    Finished <<< my_cool_pkg [4.79s]

    Summary: 1 package finished [6.30s]

NoteUse --ctest-args -R integration to run integration tests only.

colcon test parses the package tree, looks for the correct build directory, and runs the test script. colcon test generates a jUnit format test result for the integration test.

By default colcon test gives a brief test report. More detailed information exists in ~/workspace/log/latest_test/my_cool_pkg, which is the directory that holds the directories ctest, stdout, and stderr output. Note that these directory only contains output of ctest, not the output of tested executables.

  1. command.log contains all the test commands, including their working directory, executables, arguments
  2. stderr.log contains the standard error of ctest
  3. stdout.log contains the standard output of ctest

The stdout of the tested executable is stored in the file ~/workspace/build/my_cool_pkg/test_results/my_cool_pkg/my_cool_pkg_exe_integration_test.xunit.xml using jUnit format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="pytest" skips="0" tests="1" time="3.121">
<testcase classname="my_cool_pkg.build.my_cool_pkg.my_cool_pkg_exe_integration_test_Debug"
line="36" name="test_executable" time="3.051783800125122">
<system-out>(test_executable_0) pid 21242:
['~/workspace/build/my_cool_pkg/my_cool_pkg_exe'] (all >; console, InMemoryHandler: test_executable_0)
[test_executable_0] Hello World
[test_executable_0] signal_handler(2)
(test_executable_0) rc 27
() tear down

test_executable_i corresponds to the (i+1)th executable. In this case, only one executable is tested so i starts from 0. Note that test_executable_0 prints Hello World to stdout, which is captured by the launcher. The output matches the regex Hello\sWorld specified in the expected output file. The launcher then broadcasts a SIGINT to all the test executables and marks the test as successful. Otherwise, the integration test fails.

NoteSIGINT is broadcast only if the output of the last executable matches its regex.

For detailed information about how integration_tests operates, see the Q&A section below.

Integration test with multiple executables

In the my_cool_pkg example, only one executable is added to the integration test. Typically, the goal is to test the interaction between several executables. Suppose my_cool_pkg has two executables, a talker and a listener which communicate with each other with a ROS2 topic.

The launcher starts the talker and listener at the same time. The talker starts incrementing the index and sending it to the listener. The listener receives the index and prints it to stdout. The passing criteria for the test is is if listener receives the indices 10, 15, and 20.

Here are the steps to add multiple-executable integration tests:

  1. Create two files
    1. ~/workspace/src/my_cool_pkg/test/expected_outputs/talker_exe.regex with content .*
    2. ~/workspace/src/my_cool_pkg/test/expected_outputs/listener_exe.regex with content
  2. Under the BUILD_TESTING code block, call integration_tests to add the test
    find_package(integration_tests REQUIRED)
    EXPECTED_OUTPUT_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/expected_outputs/"
    "talker_exe --topic TOPIC:::listener_exe --topic TOPIC"
    1. The character set `:::` is used as delimiter of different executables
    2. `integration_tests` parses the executables, arguments, and composes a valid test python
    3. More information about the python script can be found in the
    [Q&A](@ref how-to-write-integration-tests-how-does-integration-tests-work) section
  3. Build ~/workspace/, or just the my_cool_pkg package, using colcon:
    $ ade enter
    ade$ cd ~/workspace/
    ade$ colcon build --merge-install --packages-select my_cool_pkg
  4. Run the integration test
    $ ade enter
    ade$ cd ~/workspace/
    ade$ colcon test --merge-install --packages-select my_cool_pkg --ctest-args -R integration
    Starting >>> my_cool_pkg
    Finished <<< my_cool_pkg [20.8s]

    Summary: 1 package finished [22.3s]

When the environment is properly configured, after 20 seconds, the integration test shall pass. Similar to the single node example, the launcher starts the talker and listener at the same time. The launcher periodically checks the stdout of each executable.

The regex of talker is .*, which always matches when the first output of talker is captured by launcher. The regex of listener is 10, 15, and 20. After all entries in this regex are matched, a SIGINT is sent to all commands and the test is marked as successful.

The locations of output files are the same with single executable example. Output of ctest is is ~/workspace/log/latest_test/my_cool_pkg/. Output of tested executables is stored in ~/workspace/build/my_cool_pkg/test_results/my_cool_pkg/ in jUnit format.

NoteBy the time SIGINT is sent, all the regex have to be successfully matched in the output. Otherwise the test is marked as failed. For example, if the regex for talker is 30, the test will fail.

Use executables from another package

Sometimes an integration test needs to use executables from another package. Suppose my_cool_pkg needs to test with the talker and listener defined in demo_nodes_cpp. These two executables must be exported by demo_nodes_cpp and then imported by my_cool_pkg.

When declaring the test, a namespace must be added before talker and listener to indicate that executables are from another package.

Use the following steps to add an integration test:

  1. Add <buildtool_depend>ament_cmake</buildtool_depend> to ~/workspace/src/demo_nodes_cpp/package.xml
  2. In ~/workspace/src/demo_nodes_cpp/CMakeLists.txt, export the executable target before calling ament_package()
    install(TARGETS talker EXPORT talker
    install(TARGETS listener EXPORT listener
    find_package(ament_cmake REQUIRED)
    ament_export_interfaces(talker listener)
  3. Create two regex files
    1. ~/workspace/src/my_cool_pkg/test/expected_outputs/demo_nodes_cpp__talker.regex with content .*
    2. ~/workspace/src/my_cool_pkg/test/expected_outputs/demo_nodes_cpp__listener.regex with content 20
  4. In ~/workspace/src/my_cool_pkg/package.xml, add the dependency to demo_nodes_cpp
  5. Under the BUILD_TESTING code block in ~/workspace/src/my_cool_pkg/CMakeLists.txt, call integration_tests to add the test
    find_package(integration_tests REQUIRED)
    find_package(demo_nodes_cpp REQUIRED) # this line imports targets(talker) defined in namespace demo_nodes_cpp
    EXPECTED_OUTPUT_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/expected_outputs/"
    "demo_nodes_cpp::talker:::demo_nodes_cpp::listener" # format of external executable is namespace::executable [--arguments]
  6. Build ~/workspace/, or just the my_cool_pkg package, using colcon:
    $ ade enter
    ade$ cd ~/workspace/
    ade$ colcon build --merge-install --packages-select my_cool_pkg
  7. Run the integration test
    $ ade enter
    ade$ cd ~/workspace/
    ade$ colcon test --merge-install --packages-select my_cool_pkg --ctest-args -R integration

When ament_export_interfaces(talker listener) is called in demo_nodes_cpp, ament generates a demo_nodes_cppConfig.cmake file which is used by find_package. The namespace in this file is demo_nodes_cpp. Therefore, to use executable in demo_nodes_cpp, a namespace and :: has to be added.

The format of an external executable is namespace::executable --arguments. The integration_tests function sets the regex file name as namespace__executable.regex. One exception is that no namespace is needed for executable defined in the package that adds this integration test.

Add multiple integration tests in one package

If my_cool_pkg has multiple integration tests added with the same executable but different parameters, SUFFIX has to be used when calling integration_tests.

Suppose my_cool_pkg has an executable say_hello which prints Hello {argv[1]} to the screen. Here are the steps to add multiple integration tests:

  1. Create two regex files
    1. ~/workspace/src/my_cool_pkg/test/expected_outputs/say_hello_Alice.regex with content Hello\sAlice
    2. ~/workspace/src/my_cool_pkg/test/expected_outputs/say_hello_Bob.regex with content Hello\sBob
  2. Call integration_tests to add integration test
    EXPECTED_OUTPUT_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/expected_outputs/"
    COMMANDS "say_hello Alice"
    SUFFIX "_Alice"
    EXPECTED_OUTPUT_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/expected_outputs/"
    COMMANDS "say_hello Bob"
    SUFFIX "_Bob"
  3. Build ~/workspace/, or just the my_cool_pkg package, using colcon:
    $ ade enter
    ade$ cd ~/workspace/
    ade$ colcon build --merge-install --packages-select my_cool_pkg
  4. Run the integration test
    $ ade enter
    ade$ cd ~/workspace/
    ade$ colcon test --merge-install --packages-select my_cool_pkg --ctest-args -R integration

By specifying SUFFIX, integration_tests adds the correct suffix to the regex file path.

Test Dashboards

Single pane view of how the test score looks like for the Blue print.

Total Tests

Test Executed



In Progress

Additional Testing


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