TSC 2022-02-08 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific

TSC 2022-02-08 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific

Meeting Time: 07:00 AM PT / 03:00 PM UTC (See call time in different zones)

BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/808329801?pwd=b2pmd3dQZitkSDlsQkNGMTd3K09yZz09

Meeting Recording: TBA

(Example of collaborative meeting minutes, using Presos/Notes/Links: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/TSC+2020-03-12)


AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 


Agenda Items

Presented By


Tuesday Guest talk

The Design and Application of Baetyl

Guest speaker Leding Li invited by TSC member Yu, Liya

Key points:

  1. Baetyl problem statements are to address edge computing issues related to devices in the private networks, processing the data in real-time, synchronization between edge and cloud, and secure the data and edge.
  2. Baetyl is the open-source project under LFedge to manage both clouds and edge. Baetyl consists of two components Baetyl-cloud and Baetyl in the edge.
  3. Baetyl cloud run in the cloud side has the synchronizer with Baetyk in the edge, Baetyl edge is directly connected to IoT device based on the EdgexFoundry standard, and use the Baetyl cloud to get the application data, ML model and transfer the data for sampling and log to Baetyl cloud
  4. AI vision demo is implemented with camera and Intel Movidius AI chipset.  Baetyl cloud loads the AI Model on an AI chipset and sampling happens in real-time.
  5. Speaker showcased various use cases such as Intel OpenVino and commercial use cases such as Smart Grid and Intelligent quality inspection


Q: Jeff Brower  How model run with different architecture. is the optimization is taken care of.

A: Leding - should be taking into consideration, only computer vision uses cases are taken into the consideration

Q: Ike Alisson How to bring the standard into this solution

A: Leding - There are around 100 vendors getting such standard is very difficult.


Akraino Hackathon Logistic discussion 

Kuralamudhan Ramakrishnan (Deactivated)

Oleg Berzin what's the difference between the google doc created for the discussion? Why we should look into the different venues, let take the one suggested by the MEC community itself?

Kuralamudhan Ramakrishnan (Deactivated) Wants to see the structure in how the hackathon is conducted to see stakeholder and volunteers structure. Like to do the brainstorm as the community on various pros and cons of the venue. Want to see the success criteria for the event, don't want the event to be "yet another event" with no impact. The purpose of the document is to have the structure of why we taking the action and what our end goals for the hackathon are. Getting the sponsor required a structured document with success criteria, the impact of the hackathon, and why the actions are taken? The sponsor required these items for the sponsorship.

Kuralamudhan Ramakrishnan (Deactivated) took an action item to sync up with Oleg on the difference and come up with the standard solution and understand the urgency on this ? who is driving the urgency here.


Akraino's annual review

Akraino - Stage 3 - 2022-02-09 Draft

Moved to next TSC meeting


PTL Updates

  • PTLs to provide updates on the status of the Blueprints and Feature Projects

Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker) ( Kuralamudhan Ramakrishnan (Deactivated)   )

Votes (template below)

Zoom Chat Log

Voting Template

TSC Voting to Approve XYZ:

