Akraino Integration Projects (Blueprints)

Akraino Integration Projects (Blueprints)

In order to support end-to-end edge solution from the Akraino community, Akraino uses blueprint concept to address specific Edge use cases. Blueprint is a declarative configuration of the entire stack i.e., edge platform that can support edge workloads and edge APIs. In order to address specific use cases, a reference architecture is developed by the community. A declarative configuration is used to define all the components used within that reference architecture such as Hardware, Software, tools to manage the entire stack, and point of delivery i.e., the method used to deploy in a site. In Summary, the declarative configuration is a prescriptive configuration, which will be developed and tested by the community. The intent of this community is to support production quality integration using upstream community code and Akraino community developed code to support the entire stack.

Akraino community intends to maintain such blueprints using full CI/CD integration and testing to support the code development by the community members.

TSC will provide acceptance criteria for each release. Below figure is the pictorial definition of the blueprints.

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