

PTL: Paul Carver

11/14/2019 Maturity Review 1/2

Documentation in support of the requirements below for REC successful graduation to Mature status ca be found here Radio Edge Cloud Release 2 Maturity Review Certification

  1. Introduce the BP (basic 5 minute overview so all are on the same page)
  2. Validation lab check
    1. Provide a run through of the actual CD log(s) for the specific Jenkins job being used to prove the deployment in each validation lab. P-SC members are invited to review the logs in advance and interactively discuss with the PTL during this time. The logs are at these URLs https://nexus.akraino.org/content/sites/logs/att/job/Install_REC_on_OpenEdge1/ https://nexus.akraino.org/content/sites/logs/nokia/job/Install_REC_on_Espoo_OE/
  3. Release inclusion check
    1. Confirm the BP has been present in the minimum number of Akraino release cycles required for Maturity (i.e. 2)
  4. HW definition check
    1. In the BP’s release documentation show the exact HW being used on which the logs presented above apply to   
  5. SW quality/functional check
    1. Prove the BP has passed the Validation Framework test requirements by reference to the Validation Framework GUI
    2. Request exemptions for any test cases in the Validation Framework which you consider either not valid or failing for any reason not caused by the BP per se
    3. Provide the pass/failure details of any additional test cases (if the BP defined any)
    4. The minimum security requirements will not be covered in this review but will rather be covered by the Security SC’s own review
  6. Upstream dependencies check
    1. In the BP’s release documentation show the full set of upstream dependencies are defined   
  7. Documentation check
    1. The documentation requirements will not be covered in this review but will rather be covered by the Documentations SC’s own review
  8. Community Health and Stability check
    1. The PTL should provide a summary of contributors and committers and companies and demonstrate growth
    2. The PTL should demonstrate stable output (code base, documents) within its history of releases

Present: AW, Tina Tsou, Paul Carver, Tapio Tallgren