Landscape Assessment

Landscape Assessment

As discussed during 2/6/2020 TSC meeting, Blueprint PTLs should complete this assessment by February 19th, 2020



From: Brett Preston <bpreston@linuxfoundation.org>
Date: February 4, 2020 at 10:39:53 AM PST
To: Erik Nordmark <erik@zededa.com>, Jim White <jim@iotechsys.com>, "KATHIRVEL, KANDAN" <kk0563@att.com>, Tina Tsou <Tina.Tsou@arm.com>, Ashwin Gopalakrishnan <ashwin@dianomic.com>, Daniel Lazaro <dlazaro@osisoft.com>, "Li,Leding" <lileding@baidu.com>, KARTHIKEYAN SUBRAMANI <karthi.s@samsung.com>, Wesley Reisz <wesley@section.io>, Matt Trifiro <mtrifiro@vapor.io>, Keith Steele <keith@iotechsys.com>, Jason Shepherd <jason@zededa.com>, Tom Arthur <tom@dianomic.com>, Peter Moonki Hong <moonki1.hong@samsung.com>
Cc: melissa e evers-hood <melissa.e.evers-hood@intel.com>, "St Leger, Jim" <jim.st.leger@intel.com>, Arpit Joshipura <ajoshipura@linuxfoundation.org>, Mike Woster <mwoster@linuxfoundation.org>
Subject: Re:  LF Edge: End User Program [Project Input Requested]

LF Edge Project leaders,

A reminder to please complete the Landscape Assessment below by end-of-day Wednesday, February 5:


Data provided will help guide the Board in selecting the 2-3 Verticals to focus on for End Users in 2020.

Thank you,


On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 8:41 AM Brett Preston <bpreston@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

Leaders of LF Edge Projects,

The LF Edge Board is working to build out an End User Program targeted to deliver value to end users by providing a neutral platform to capture and distribute requirements across the umbrella.

The latest End User developments show momentum forming within Projects, which the Board is looking to leverage/build on. Project driven work will continue, with periodical updates to the Board and TAC, as well as results posted to applicable Wikis.

At the LF Edge level, the Board would like to focus on 2-3 Verticals and ~5 Use Cases

  • Stitch together across Projects (live under the TAC)
  • Create demos that solve use cases by integration of projects
  • Create user communities to put into POC / production and provide feedback
  • Create white papers; Amplify results through Outreach activities and events
  • Focus on solving a few specific things and by doing so demonstrate the value of the technology, creating community enlistment, and driving next generation features, development and strategy.

This is where your help is requested.

To assist in selecting the 2-3 Verticals to focus on (leveraging existing bright spots, momentum), Projects are requested to conduct a Landscape Assessment.

  • How far are we along on what?
  • Which Projects have End Users that are already engaging / work in progress
    • Example: EdgeX - Retail

A template for Data Collection has been created below:


Please complete for your Projects by end-of-day Wednesday, February 5 if possible.

If you have any questions, please Reply All into this thread.

Thank you,



Brett Preston

Sr. Program Manager

The Linux Foundation
+1 (971) 303-9030


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