EVP: Weekly Meeting Notes

EVP: Weekly Meeting Notes

Topic: EVP Weekly Meeting

Time: Mar 25, 2019 12:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

        Every week on Mon, until May 31, 2019

Join skype Meeting: 

Toll-free number: +1 (844) 265-8717,,40390655# (Dial-in Number)                         English (United States)  

Toll number:         +1 (971) 337-0195,,40390655# (Dial-in Number)                        English (United States)  

Conference ID: 40390655


Working on lab networking issue which is blocking download of images from Akraino.

Following network suggestions from below link which was updated recently.



Root cause for OS installation issue is identified to be a lab connectivity with Akraino site. Requested dedicated internet link for lab setup.

OS installation works fine if we try on AWS server. 


PXE boot issue resolved after downloading latest code stream.

Facing issue while installing OS. "No root file system is defined". Issue reported to forum and David provided suggestions to install OS manually to check if everything is fine on hardware.


Haven't received any input on query posted. Still facing issue with PXE boot for Regional controller.

Reach out community people to see if anybody succeeded installing Regional controller and also try Akraino 1.0 release on VM.


Redfish issue with connecting ILO and HP G10 resolved after fresh get of source code.

Facing issue with the pxe boot not happening for HP-G10 machine. target machine is fetching IP details via DHCP. Issue posted on Akraino site as well.

Install Guide - Regional Controller Node - Akraino Edge Stack Network Cloud Blueprint Family


Redfish issue with connecting ILO and HP G10 not getting identified are resolved.

Need to resolve DHCP issue with lab setup as DHCP boot server not reachable from build server

Basic ONAP installation is successful and now identifying requirements for Unicycle pod.

CI / CD process kicked off and identifying test cases that required to be in CI / CD process.


Received an update from David indicating that there will be an update to installation process this week. 

Comment from David: The new code will use redfish api calls to determine if the OEM is Dell or Hpe

ONAP installation is working fine on Dell hardware. need to check the same on HP G10.


Posted query to Akraino site, seeking help to get unblocked from Regional controller installation. Also exploring option of using NC Unicycle blueprint.


Received response from David Plunkett on checking connectivity issues between build server and Regional controller. Confirmed that build server is able to ping ILO IP of HP G10. Redfish ilo access works fine, when invoked with curl command, but doesn't work when invoked via quickstart.py script.

Trying to install ONAP on Aamazon cloud as a parallel activity.


Regional controller installation is failing because of communication issue between build server and regional controller with HP G10 ILO5(U30 v1.40) version. Requested help from Akraino edge stack Network cloud blueprint team.

Build server installation is complete.

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