API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 1May20

API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 1May20

1 May 2020 / 9:00 AM PDT / Zoom meeting


Jiafeng Zhu, Jane Shen, Tim Epkes, Doug Eng, Tina Tsou, Wenhui Zhang, Neal Oliver, Tianji Jiang, Jeff Brower

Meeting Notes -- Zhu, Brower 


  • Infrastructure API portal proposal - Jane

Meeting Notes

API Portal Discussion

Overview - Jane

Portal is still in prep stage, first APIs shown are from MobileEdgeX, who has acted first

How to define the granularity of APIs for different projects

We will contact three pilot projects (IEC, PCEI, AI Edge, ask them to submit APIs)

We will create API categories, initially target high level APIs, try to make it easier for developers

API format

Jane - we should consider using Swagger UI and/or ReDoc. ReDoc / Swagger use open API format, but ReDoc offers new features, e.g. auto-sync.  ETSI MEC uses Swagger. We will make a group decision
Tim - don’t use Redoc just because it’s newer. Gave some history of why Swagger succeeded
Neal - we need to pay attention to API semantics and syntax across projects
Tim - Akraino has a number of  edge projects but they don’t talk to each other. Has concerns about overall API organization and platform-to-platform APIs
Jane - APIs provide services. At a high level services are organized by domain
Neal - organize APIs by content; e.g. Mp1 control plane, Mp2 data plane resources (inside the box), Mp3 internal, up to operators
Tim - Mp1 APIs don’t need to be REST, which doesn’t always scale well
Jane - has looked at current blueprints, APIs don’t have consistency but maybe we can guide that. We need to see what comes out of pilot projects
Tim - mentioned Mp1 RNIS service registered as an example: API consumer registers, gets port numbers, types of connection (socket, web socket, etc). Also he will be helping ETSI MEC with API improvements / redefinitions. We don’t want every Akraino blueprint to be an island
Jane - possibly operators will share info at infrastructure level. For example AT&T and China Mobile sharing UPF and edge application info. Possibly they will share some info on Mp3 interface, for example transferring state info

Challenges (summary of above discussion)

How to define the granularity of APIs for different projects, black box

There are many projects under Akraino, but they don’t talk to each other

We want projects to open their external and internal API,  platform-to-platform API and share with us

Action Items

Swagger / ReDoc comparison 

Links and Reminders

Meeting Notes link: https://lf-akraino.atlassian.net/wiki/display/AK/API+Sub-committee 

Google Doc link:


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