Cassini Minutes 2021.06.24

Cassini Minutes 2021.06.24


  1. Software Defined Camera (SDC)
  2. Smart Cities


Tina Tsou (Deactivated)

xiaojing xu


xiaojing xu will send email with link of Software Defined Camera (SDC) to the following 3 mailing lists to request blueprint incubation review.

2. xiaojing xu to update Smart Cities R5 Architecture

Use Case

<use case 1>

Smart Building

  • energy save
  • smart office

3. Yan Zhang to update Smart Cities R5 Architecture

<use case 2>

  • Industrial Internet
  • Computing Power as A Service (Edge Faas)

4. Sushant mishra (Deactivated) to update Smart Cities R5 Architecture

Blueprint overview/Introduction

5. Jason will create first batch of code of Smart Cities blueprint.

6. xiaojing xu will discuss how to leverage and integrate ThunderSoft's EdgeOS.