Gaming applications

Gaming applications

Cloud gaming, especially VR gaming via 5G edge, has been generating interest from Linux community to look into a Linux based game development environment for game developer, This will allow VR rendering servers easily integrated and managed by mostly Linux cloud environment. This will also provide cost effective compute platform/resource that can be use both for VR and other edge use cases, such as IoT.

The first step towards this ecosystem revolution is to ask both Unity and Unreal to create Linux as OS target on their respective IDEs and develop their game/rendering engines for Linux (mapping DirectX API calls to OpenGL API calls). This way, all legacy games only need to be recompiled with Linux as target OS to work on Cloud.

The next step would be to work with OpenXR to develop APIs that also work for Linux. OpenXR is currently standardizing the next gen game API so that all games developed by any OpenXR game engines can play on any OpenXR supported HMD.


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Epic Unreal

Related blueprints

IEC Type 4: AR/VR oriented Edge Stack for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family