API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 8May20

API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 8May20

8 May 2020 / 9:00 AM PDT / Zoom meeting


Jane Shen, Jiafeng Zhu, Tim Epkes, Su Gu, Tina Tsou, Neal Oliver, Jeff Brower, Colin Hutchinson

Meeting Notes -- Zhu, Brower


  • Infrastructure API portal discussion, continued - Jane
  • Ideas for API subcommittee coverage in  next Tues Akraino TSC meeting

Meeting Notes

  1. Upcoming TSC meeting, Jane asked for ideas on what to include in our update / presentation
  2. API portal discussion, cont.

Jane - we need to demonstrate the value the API portal
Tim - well designed APIs can enable blueprints to talk to each other. As a comparison is ETSI MEC is succeeding in API adoption
Jane - presented Edge Application Enabler API Map slide

-group APIs by roles/categories
-app developers

-infrastructure developers
-edge platform/service providers
-we can push this as a map to pilot project PTLs, ask them to contribute to API portal effort

Neal - Jane's map is showing up in LF Edge continuum slides
Tim - divide Orchestration/Operations part of map into internal and external facing APIs
Jeff - box for platform-to-platform APIs needs to be added
Tim - for platform-to-platform APIs we should pay attention to scaling up/down: multiple platforms, multiple nodes
Jane / Neal, discussion about pilot projects and how the API portal helps them

-they don't need the portal to demonstrate their blueprint works
-but the portal can help market their solution
-possibly divde the portal into 3 sections: APIs, examples/tutorials, working demos

Jane / Tim, discussion about REST APIs vs other formats

-REST more widely accepted by web developers, but not so much infrastructure developers
-most Akraino projects currently not using REST, blueprints can't talk to each other
-gRPC scales better, can cover an SDK if needed
-extra effort to support both, should we ?
-for platform-to-platform APIs we can publish suggested data structures for gRTC use

Action Items

  1. Continue to document Edge API overall map 
  2. Tina sent a link for Micro-MEC team, Jane will contact to discuss their API compatibility with the portal

Links and Reminders

Meeting Notes link: https://lf-akraino.atlassian.net/wiki/display/AK/API+Sub-committee 

Google Doc link:


Members are welcome to add discussion topics to the meeting Agenda at any time prior to each meeting

If we miss your name, please add to Attendees section

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