CI, Blueprint Validation Lab sub-committee

CI, Blueprint Validation Lab sub-committee

CI and Blueprint Validation Lab,  Sub-committee: Further establish process, document and CI process to allow developers to get started

Cesar Berho has given up his tenure as Sub-Committee Chair as of 7/19/2019.  New Sub-Committee Chair / Co-Chair Election Process is on-going per procedures in Section 4.6.1 of Akraino Technical Community Document. Chair / Co-Chair Election will be completed by 8/26/2019.

Sub-Committee Chair: Peter Pouliot, Ampere Computing.  Elected on 8/29/2019

Sub-Committee Co-Chair: Robert Qiu, Tencent. Approved by TSC on 10/03/2019

Please join the CI Sub-Committee mail list by self-adding within the Akraino Mail List Sub-Groups page. 

Note: Please ensure that both the name and email address for each member is listed on each sub-committee membership wiki page in order to properly set up CIVS voting when required.

Interested parties sign up:

NameAffiliationEmailLF IDSelf Nominate for Chair (Y/N) Self Nominate for Co-Chair (Y/N)
Tina TsouArmtina.tsou@arm.comNN
Mika RautakumpuNokiamika.rautakumpu@nokia.comMika Rautakumpu

Frank ZdarskyRed Hatfzdarsky@redhat.comFrank Zdarsky

Cesar BerhoIntelcesar.berho@intel.comCesar Berho (Deactivated)

Qasim ArhamJuniperqarham@juniper.netQasim Arham (Deactivated)

Andrew WilkinsonEricssonandrew.wilkinson@ericsson.comAndrew Wilkinson

Sukhdev KapurJunipersukhdev@juniper.netSukhdev Kapur

Mark EllisonIndependentmark@ellisonsoftware.comMark Ellison

WenhuiBytedance and Penn Statewenhui.zhang@bytedance.comWenhui Zhang

Kandan KathirvelAT&Tkk0563@att.comKandan Kathirvel

Robert EbyAT&Tre2429@att.comRobert P Eby

Yong Xin Radisys yong.xin@radisys.com Yong Xin

Ryota IshibashiNTT


Ryota Ishibashi

Hiroshi YamamotoNTThiroshi.yamamoto.pz@hco.ntt.co.jpHiroshi Yamamoto

Bob MonkmanIntelbob.monkman@intel.comBob Monkman (Deactivated)

Yang (Gabriel) YuHuaweigabriel.yuyang@huawei.com

Fabian Salamanca

Intelfabianx.salamanca.dominguez@intel.comFabianx Salamanca Dominguez (Deactivated)

Robert QiuTencentrobertqiu@tencent.comYY
Sukhdev KapurJuniper Networkssukhdev@juniper.netSukhdev Kapur

Peter PouliotAmpere Computingppouliot@amperecomputing.comPeter PouliotY

Meeting Content (agenda/ minutes / recording / slides / other):

Previous Meetings

  • 10/01/2019 -  CI BluePrint Validation SubCommettee - Meeting

    Lab Status

    • Community Lab Updates from Lincoln Lavoie
    • Discuss lab scheduling and presenting to TSC

    Release 2 BluePrint CI Planning

  • 9/24/2019 -  CI BluePrint Validation SubCommettee - Meeting Notes

    Lab Status: Ampere Hardware

    • 3 Servers were received by UNH
    • Servers are currently racked.
    • Cables were received today, and server will be finished cabling by end of day 9/24/2019.
    • Centos 7.6 AARCH64 will be installed on the Ampere equipment.
    • Servers should be ready by end of day 9/26/2019
    • Were able to get Sonic installed on the EdgeCore switches however they ran into a problem

    Release 2 BluePrint CI Planning

    • Connected Vehicle BluePrint CI Discussion

      • Work with Lincoln's team to get named user list for vpn access to ampere equipment once equipment has finished being provisioned.

    Release 2 BluePrint CI Planning

    • IEC Type 1 for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) BluePrint Family CI Discussion

      • Requirement 10G networking

      • Will supply url to presentation with remaining HW requirements.

  • 9/17/2019 -  CI BluePrint Validation SubCommettee - Meeting  Notes

    Lab Status

    • Hardware Request​ed and 3 Servers shipped from Ampere to UNH Interop Lab
    • Server should arrive at lab by 09/18/2019
    • Estimated that servers will be operational by CI meeting on 9/24

    Discuss adding a Ci SubCommettee co-chair 

    • Meeting participates unamanously aggreed on adding Robert Qiu who is responsible for APAC blueprint validation lab setup as co-chair to the CI SubCommittee.
    • Follow up sent by Peter to Deepak for procedures to verify co-chair

    Release 2 Planning 

    • Schedule time with each R2 blueprint PTL to discuss CI requirements.
    • Information gathering exercise for the purpose of planning, scheduling, and ensuring adequate resources are available.
    • Schedule discussed at Tuesday TSC Meeting
    • Schedule:

 R2 BluePrint CI Presentation Schedule


  • 9/10/2019 -  CI BluePrint Validation SubCommettee - Meeting Notes 

    Lab Status 

    • Community lab is currently operational, with 4 "Pods"  
    • 1. ThunderX2 Pod #1 - SEBA (Telco Appliance)  
    • 2. ThunderX2 Pod #2 - REC  (Telco Appliance)  
    • 3. Unicycle Pod - Unicycle (Network Cloud)  
    • 4. Intel Pod - KNI  
    • KNI usage of the Intel Pod is the newest coming online, as there were no objections during our CI meeting to the usage of the pod for the plugfest. We'll work on setting up the VPN accounts for this users this week.  KNI proposal is documented here: https://wiki.akraino.org/display/AK/Lab+Topology+Template+for+BluePrints 
    • We are also working on getting a better supported NOS installed on to the Edgecore switches. Working between the either SONiC or using the native Broadcom OpenNSL (will require a little more work on our side to use that NOS).   

    Meeting Cadence and Times 

    • Peter to email Brett at the Linux Foundation for change of time in calendar - bpreston@linuxfoundation.org  
    • Changing time to 6am PST Weekly Cadence   
    • Will reassess adjustment of cadence after release 2 

    Discuss adding a Ci SubCommettee co-chair 

    • Given the globally distributed nature of the project it would be good to have additional help across geographic regions. 
    • Suggestion: Robert Qiu who is responsible for APAC blueprint validation lab setup as co-chair  

    Release 2 Planning  

    • 10 blueprints presenting in 6 weeks  
    • Peter to create table with time schedule  
    • Blueprints:  

    Hardware Request 

    • 3 Servers needed for blueprint testing 
    • Peter to request servers from Ampere for UNH Akraino Lab 

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