Radio Edge Cloud Release 1 Milestone Certification
Radio Edge Cloud Release 1 Milestone Certification
MBI0 Project Induction
- Blue Print is voted by TSC as an Akraino Blueprint.
- The project is defined and approved by TSC vote to enter incubation stage
- At least two committers identified - Radio Edge Cloud (REC) Team Membership
MBI1 Kick Off
- First regular community call held. - Radio Edge Cloud Project Meetings
- Recurring meeting should have been setup and details appear in the BP community meeting calendar - Calendar notice
MBI2 Planning & Progress
- Either LF CD or external validation lab identified and fully documented by the project REC Test Document - old
- Identify team working on features & testing code repo established and development has been progressed to a state of fully installable BP - Radio Edge Cloud (REC) Team Membership and REC Installation Guide
- Optionally determine the target dates for the subsequent milestones - N/A
MBI3 CI/CD Validation
- Full CI/CD setup for BP is completed - Jenkins Job Builder configuration merged
- Validation lab is setup and will be used for BP testing in conformance with the process defined by the CI subcommittee Radio Edge Cloud Validation Lab
MBI4 BP ready for consumption by users
- First full CD deployment performed successfully in validation lab and results for validation lab are uploaded to the community - https://nexus.akraino.org/content/sites/logs/att/job/Install_REC_on_OpenEdge1/
- Minimum user install documentation developed as per the guidance from the documentation subcommittee - REC Installation Guide
- PTL and project team self certify the BP passed MB0-MB4 – May 28 TSC meeting - This is happening right now
- PTL to present self certified result to TSC, to include BP in – May 28 TSC meeting - This is happening right now