Radio Edge Cloud Release 1 Milestone Certification
Paul Carver
MBI0 Project Induction
- Blue Print is voted by TSC as an Akraino Blueprint.
- The project is defined and approved by TSC vote to enter incubation stage
- At least two committers identified - Radio Edge Cloud (REC) Team Membership
MBI1 Kick Off
MBI2 Planning & Progress
MBI3 CI/CD Validation
MBI4 BP ready for consumption by users
- First full CD deployment performed successfully in validation lab and results for validation lab are uploaded to the community -
- Minimum user install documentation developed as per the guidance from the documentation subcommittee - REC Installation Guide
- PTL and project team self certify the BP passed MB0-MB4 – May 28 TSC meeting - This is happening right now
- PTL to present self certified result to TSC, to include BP in – May 28 TSC meeting - This is happening right now
{"serverDuration": 17, "requestCorrelationId": "917487ecb7d744879917a89d412ac3ae"}