NC-TF-BluePrint-Proposal - Network Cloud and TF Integration

NC-TF-BluePrint-Proposal - Network Cloud and TF Integration

Sukhdev Kapur

Project Committers detail:

Initial Committers for a project will be specified at project creation. Committers have the right to commit code to the source code management system for that project.

A Contributor may be promoted to a Committer by the project’s Committers after demonstrating a history of contributions to that project.

Candidates for the project’s Project Technical Leader will be derived from the Committers of the Project. Candidates must self nominate by marking "Y" in the Self Nominate column below by Jan. 16th. Voting will take place January 17th.

Only Committers for a project are eligible to vote for a project’s Project Technical Lead.

Please see Akraino Technical Community Document section 3.1.3 for more detailed information.





Contact Info

Committer Bio

Committer Picture

 Self Nominate for PTL (Y/N)

Sukdev Kapur

Juniper Networks Inc.


Sukhdev Kapur is Distinguished Engineer at Juniper Networks. He is part of Contrail Software Development team. He has been actively contributing to the development of Neutron, Ironic, and other OpenStack projects.

Sukhdev is a networking veteran with over 20 years experience in highly available distributed systems, cloud computing, virtualization, disaster recovery, policy based mobile workloads management, and software defined networks. He has held architectural positions in Arista Networks, F5, Cisco, Alteon, and others. 

Sukhdev holds several patents in cloud computing, hierarchical data center deployments, cloud based disaster recovery, high availability, etc.


Alexandre Levine 

Juniper Networks Inc.


Andrey Pavlov

Qasim ArhamJuniper Networks Inc.


An innovative leader, Consultant, and strategist, possessing over 15 years of Packet Core (EPC/vEPC), Cloud SDN/NFV solutions architecture and design experience, in the rapidly advancing world of Telecommunication, Packet Backbone and Next Generation Cloud Networks Architecture. Passionate about OpenStack cloud computing, future Data Center IP Networks and teamwork for the success.I am a SME and Solution Architecture responsible for delivering the Telco Cloud architecture and design of Service Providers software-centric network (vEPC, vIMS, vRAN, 5G and IOT).  This Telco Cloud transformation uses software-defined networking and network function virtualization to deliver products and services to the customer.