API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 17Jul20

API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 17Jul20

17 July 2020 / 9:00 AM PDT / Zoom meeting


Jane Shen, Jiafeng Zhu, Tina Tsou, Jeff Brower, Neal Oliver

Meeting notes - Jiafeng Zhu, Brower


  • Present Akraino API URL proposal (dual URL vs single URL)
  • New work item proposals, cont.
  • WP #2 final review prior to TSC voting for approval on 14July. All comments and resolutions presented for subcommittee approval


  • White paper Neal’s comments discussion
  • Jeff presented Akraino API URL prelim PowerPoint
  • Collaboration with ETSI MEC in two fields, API content (analysis and comparison) and API adaptation (sandbox ,workshop, validation)


  1. WP#2 final review
    Neal - will be editing next few days

  2. API Portal landing page / URL proposal
    Jane - change 2nd and 3rd link eamples to API wiki and API testing
    Neal - walk through 3GPP APIs CAF, NEF (traffic influencing). What other Akraino BP groups are using ?
    Tina - should be hosted on LF Edge owned server
    Jane - showed API portal mind map prototype. Idea is to make it easy for developers to zero in on API related info they need
    Neal / Jane - back and forth on OpenNESS NEF vs. 3GPP version
    Neal - suggest to present single URL landing page to TSC, but keep working within existing dual URL framework

  3. ESTI MEC DECODE activity
    Jane - collect thoughts on ETSI MEC collaboration
    Neal - Intel is taking part, focus on actual implementations
    Jane - possibly work with them on API validation, but we have limited resources
    Jeff - how does ETSI MEC fit in with other new work item proposals ?
    Neal -does outside collaboration help move ETSI MEC along faster ?