API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 26Jun20

API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 26Jun20

26 June 2020 / 9:00 AM PDT / Zoom meeting


Jane Shen, Jiafeng Zhu, Tina Tsou, Jeff Brower, Andrew Wilkinson, Dan Druta, Neal Oliver, Tim Epkes, Ike Alisson, Su Gu, Doug Eng. Tianji Jiang, Vikram Siwach (joined briefly and left early)

Meeting Notes - Zhu, Brower


  • Discussion of whitepaper review comments,  definition of MEC etc.
  • Present Akraino API URL proposal (dual URL vs single URL) (Postponed to next meeting)
  • New work item proposals, cont. (Postponed to next meeting)

Additional Notes

Technical paper review

Jane - summarized comments received during last week, including Sukhdev (Juniper), Su Gu (China Mobile),  Andrew (Ericsson), Vikram (MobileEdgeX), Doug (former AT&T), Alex (HPE) and Google Doc reviewers (Pasi Vaananen and Rob Franzo)
Andrew - Fig 7 (Edge stack options) oversimplifies
Andrew - move 5G clarification up, into Motivation section -- or -- insert strict, clarifying definition into Scope & Assumptions
Andrew - “MEC” definition must be super clear, focus on Telco Edge “5GC”, specify what MEC does not include
Su Gu / Jiafeng -- agree with this -- clarify MEC as early as possible the paper
Ike - include 3GPP definition of service providers; one of 6 different roles defined by 3GPP includes “infrastructure owners”
Neal - removing MEC term entirely can lead to even more confusion, given the widespread use of the term
Tim - point out in definition that any time MEC is used in context of ETSI MEC, the paper will explicitly mention “ETSI MEC”
Andrew -- the Akraino LF Edge board disagrees with ETSI MEC on some things, if the paper advocates alignment with ETSI MEC the board may push back on that
Doug - many docs talk about MEC, only a few reference ETSI MEC
Tim - add footnotes for MEC references if needed
Jane - reviewed Sukhdev’s email comments re. “edge cloud”, may reflect Juniper CTO article, which has a proposed edge cloud definition. Jane will send attendees a link to this article
Andrew - we should not have any references to GTP
Neal - implementation details such as GTP are beyond the scope of our paper
Jane - briefly reviewed Vikram’s email comments, and Doug’s email reply
Jane - continued to review Andrew’s email comments: point 2, should business model/role be included in the paper ?
Andrew - company and product names should be removed from the paper. Referencing industry groups is ok, anything that is a “wide consortium”. Remove comment in section 5.2 about following “ETSI MEC reference architecture”
Neal - agrees, we are talking about operators at that point, that section focus on operators
Andrew - add more references to 3GPP docs in citation section, including 29.522
Neal - should we call out some of the physical realities we have encountered, can we make a strong statement about APIs that operators should be supporting
Andrew - yes we should

Action Items

Jane -will email attendees link to Juniper CTO’s article