5G MEC System BP Family Weekly Meeting

5G MEC System BP Family Weekly Meeting

When: Monday,1:30 pm UTC,  every two weeks

Where: https://zoom.us/j/885308032?pwd=K3MwMWtCdGZSU3JYL2V6YlBGVFNKUT09


Meeting Content (minutes / recording / slides / other):

Agenda and MOM:  
  1. discuss about maturity review of EaltEdge
    1. AUTH-9229 in lynis is solved
    2. KHV002 is solved
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. discuss about maturity review of EaltEdge
    1. AUTH-9229 in lynis is solved
    2. KHV002 is going to solve by update the k8s
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. discuss about maturity review of EaltEdge
    1. two issue in lynis checking
      1. AUTH-9229 
      2. KHV002
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. discuss about maturity review of EaltEdge
    1. need a new EaltEdge env   ---env is ok
    2. need two jekins   – need to process
    3.  lynis should be for matuiry check  --need to process
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. discuss about maturity review of EaltEdge
    1. need a new EaltEdge env   ---env is ok
    2. need two jekins   – need to process
    3.  lynis should be for matuiry check  --need to process
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. discuss about maturity review of EaltEdge
    1. need a new EaltEdge env   
    2. need two jekins
    3.  lynis should be for matuiry check
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. Release 6 tasks - Completed
  2. LFedge EALTEDge setup - Completed
  3. LFEdge demo preparation - In progress


Agenda and MOM:  
  1. Release 6 requirements
    1. Edgegallery version update to 1.5 - Completed
  2. CI setup for release 6
    1. AIO Mode
      1. AIO mode CI setup - Completed
      2. Test execution along with Jenkins Job - Completed
      3. Nexus log push - Completed
      4. Frequency - Twice in a week
    2. MUNO mode - completed
      1.   Build is setup - - completed
    3. Security/Validation
      1. Security builds with bluval - completed
      2. Issue fixes - InPorgress
        1. Vuls - complted
        2. Lyns - complted
        3. Kube-hunter - Inprogress
  3. subcommittee review:
    1. API doc update if required - Completed
    2. upstream matrix update - Completed
    3. Docs update for rel 6 - Completed
    4. Security and Validation exception approval - Inprogress( 1 Kube-hunter is pending)
  4. Update release matrix sheet - Completed
  5. One page data sheet for rel 6 - Completed
  6. Issues Discussion - No open queries


  1. Attend Security/Validation Meeting - (meeting notice shared for both security and validation) Sachin/khem
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. Release 6 requirements
    1. Edgegallery version update to 1.5 - Completed
      1. wiki page updated 
      2. code commit status
  2. CI setup for release 6
    1. AIO Mode
      1. AIO mode CI setup - Completed
      2. Test execution along with Jenkins Job - Completed
      3. Nexus log push - Completed
      4. Frequency - Twice in a week
    2. MUNO mode - completed
      1.   Build is setup - - completed
    3. Security/Validation
      1. Security builds with bluval - completed
      2. Obtain Issue reported by tool - complted
      3. Attend Security/Validation Meeting - Sachin
      4. Issue fixes - InPorgress
        1. Vuls - complted
        2. Lyns - complted
        3. Kube-hunter - Inprogress
  3. subcommittee review:
    1. API doc update if required - Completed
    2. upstream matrix update - Completed
    3. Docs update for rel 6 - Completed
    4. Security and Validation exception approval - Inprogress( 1 Kube-hunter is pending)
  4. Update release matrix sheet - Completed
  5. One page data sheet for rel 6 - Completed
  6. Issues Discussion - No open queries


  1. Attend Security/Validation Meeting - (meeting notice shared for both security and validation) Sachin/khem
  2. Join and confirm any requirement for validation for release 6 - sachin
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. Release 6 requirements
    1. Edgegallery version update to 1.5 - Completed
      1. wiki page updated 
      2. code commit status
  2. CI setup for release 6
    1. AIO Mode
      1. AIO mode CI setup - Completed
      2. Test execution along with Jenkins Job - Completed
      3. Nexus log push - Completed
      4. Frequency - Twice in a week
    2. MUNO mode - completed
      1.   Build is setup - - completed
    3. Security/Validation
      1. Security builds with bluval - completed
      2. Obtain Issue reported by tool - complted
      3. Attend Security/Validation Meeting - Sachin
      4. Issue fixes - InPorgress
        1. Vuls - complted
        2. Lyns - complted
        3. Kube-hunter - Inprogress
  3. subcommittee review:
    1. API doc update if required - Inprogress
    2. upstream matrix update - Inprogress
    3. Docs update for rel 6 - Completed
    4. Security and Validation exception approval - Inprogress
  4. Update release matrix sheet - Completed
  5. One page data sheet for rel 6 - Completed
  6. Issues Discussion - No open queries


  1. Attend Security/Validation Meeting - (meeting notice shared for both security and validation) Sachin/khem
  2. Join and confirm any requirement for validation for release 6 - sachin
Agenta and MOM:  
  1. Release 6 requirements
    1. Edgegallery version update to 1.5 - Completed
      1. wiki page updated 
      2. code commit status
  2. CI setup for release 6
    1. AIO Mode
      1. AIO mode CI setup - Completed
      2. Test execution along with Jenkins Job - Completed
      3. Nexus log push - In-Progress
      4. Frequency - Twice in a week
    2. MUNO mode - completed
      1.   Build is setup - - completed
    3. Security/Validation
      1. Security builds with bluval - completed
      2. Obtain Issue reported by tool - complted
      3. Attend Security/Validation Meeting - Sachin
      4. Issue fixes - InPorgress
        1. Vuls - complted
        2. Lyns - complted
        3. Kube-hunter - Inprogress
  3. subcommittee review:
    1. API doc update if required - open
    2. upstream matrix update - open 
    3. Docs update for rel 6 - Open
    4. Security and Validation exception approval - open
  4. Update release matrix sheet - Open
  5. One page data sheet for rel 6 - open
  6. Issues Discussion - No open queries


  1. Attend Security/Validation Meeting - (meeting notice shared for both sec