Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge

Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge

Former PTL: gaurav.agrawal   until  

Blueprint species:

Case AttributesDescriptionInformational
Blueprint Family - Proposed Name5G MEC/Slice system Blueprint Family
Use CaseLightweight telco edge platform, enabling Enterprise applications on telco edge
Blueprint proposed NameEnterprise Applications on Light weight 5G Telco Edge
Initial POD Cost (capex)

MEC platform: 2 Servers(ARM or X86)

Scale & TypeUp to several Arm/x86 servers
ApplicationsDiverse types of applications in various sectors, not limited to below:
● Gaming Applications, VR Live broadcasting
● Industrial park, Campus office etc.
● Video Orchestration and Optimization
● Latency Senstive Application for Enterprise scenarios Etc.

Power RestrictionsVaries
Infrastructure orchestrationThe cloud/network infrastructure: Containers, lightweight Kubernetes K3s, Kubernetes
Operating systems: Linux (CentOS, OpenEuler)
Container runtime Docker, KubeVirt for VMs

Workload TypeContainers/VMs
SDNFlannel for container networking
Additional DetailsNA

Blueprint was approved by the TSC on 2 Apr 2020.




 Committer Contact Info

Committer Bio

Committer Picture

PTL Term

Yang (Gabriel) YuHuaweigabriel.yuyang@huawei.com

Gaurav AgrawalHuaweigaurav.agrawal@huawei.com


swarup nayakHuaweiswarup.nayak1@huawei.com

khemendra kumarhuaweikhemendra.kumar@huawei.com

Xuan JiaChina Mobilejiaxuan@chinamobile.com

Feng YangTencentfengfyang@tencent.com

Tina TsouARMtina.tsou@arm.com

Tiejun ChenVMwaretiejunc@vmware.com


Abhijit Dasgupta (abhijit.das.gupta@huawei.com)

Srinivasan S N (srinivasan.s.n@huawei.com)

As per the Akraino Community process and directed by TSC, a blueprint which has only one nominee for Project Technical Lead (PTL) will be the elected lead once at least one committer seconds the nomination after the close of nominations.  If there are two or more, an election will take place.