Blueprint Maturity Reviews

Blueprint Maturity Reviews

Mature Blueprints

Blueprints Participating Maturity Review

Records of Details

No.Project NamePTLMain CommitterSelf-Certification Page

Documentation Sub-Committee

Ike Alisson

Logs (Vuls, Lynis, KubeHunter)

Process Sub-Committee

Biswajit De


The AI Edge: Federated ML application at edge

Maturity Review Certification of Federated ML Application At Edge Blueprint

Maturity Review Certification of Federated ML Application At Edge Blueprint performed over mail on 01/04 & stored at Documentation Sub-committee reviews for 2022. It is recommended to Akraino TSC to deem the maturity requirements for Documentation to "mature" level as fulfilled and accept the BP graduation request to "Mature" level.

2/28/2022 Update


  • 1/3/2022 Emailed Haihui Wang: 

    AI Edge- Federated ML blueprint has passed the Incubation phase in Release 5 it also meets the Maturity requirements for Vuls.  However, The Lynis test requirements are more stringent for Maturity than Incubation.  The additional Lynis Maturity criteria can be found at https://lf-akraino.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=13680889#StepsToImplementSecurityScanRequirements-VulsIncubationandMaturityPASSFAIL in the ‘Lynis Maturity:  PASS/FAIL Criteria, v1.0’ section.  Please run the Lynis tests against the AI Edge – Federated ML blueprint and correct issues so that all Maturity tests pass.  Once all Maturity tests pass please send the lynis.log output file to the Akraino security team for review.

  • 1/14/2022 Emailed Haihui Wang:

    Below is the analysis that our maturity check script returned for the lynis log for the AI Edge – Federate ML blueprint.  All tests that ‘FAILED’ need to be corrected to be approved for maturity, there are more tests that failed than the one that you listed. 

    For the test ID AUTH-9229 that you described, would you be able to increase the ‘rounds’ to a value greater than 5000 and expire passwords so that they encrypt with new values?
Approved by Process Sub-Commitee.
2IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family
Maturity Review Certification of Android Cloud

Documentation Review Meeting notes




Approved by Security Sub-Committee.


Approved by Process Sub-Commitee.

Approved  by TSC
3Smart CitiesMaturity Review Certification of Smart CitiesDocumentation Review Meeting notes




Approved by Security Sub-Committee.


Approved by  Process Sub-Commitee.

4IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint FamilyMaturity Review Certification of SmartNIC

Documentation Review Meeting notes



Approved by Security Sub-Committee.

5EALT-EDGEBoren Zhang Maturity Review Certification of EALTEdge 


Approved by Security Sub-Committee.



Performing test ID BOOT-5184 (Check permissions for boot files/scripts): FAILED
Performing test ID AUTH-9229 (Check password hashing methods): FAILED
Test: Checking SHA_CRYPT_{MIN,MAX}_ROUNDS option in /etc/login.defs: FAILED
Performing test ID USB-2000 (Check USB authorizations): FAILED
Performing test ID USB-3000 (Check for presence of USBGuard): FAILED
Test: Check if one or more compilers can be found on the system: FAILED

Note: Please add links to the Vuls and Kube-hunter logs.


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