Edge Service Enabling Platform

Edge Service Enabling Platform

Approved for incubation at Tuesday August 9th TSC meeting.

Weekly Meeting Notes

Project Technical Lead:  Colin Peters  elected  

Project Committers detail:




 Committer Contact Info

Committer Bio

Committer Picture

Self Nominate for PTL (Y/N)





Yasushi KurokawaFujitsukurokawa.yasu@fujitsu.com





Use Case Details

Project Contact

Colin Peters  (colin.peters@fujitsu.com)

Fujitsu Limited

Industry SectorEdge Service Enabler
Business Driver

The blueprint consists of two key business driving resources: the service catalog and the edge service enabling platform.

The service catalog captures collective knowledge of device, application, and infrastructure experts, and in addition provides an abstract view of the various edge service components (technologies/resources/services) and the relationships between them. The service catalog enables edge service providers to focus on their strengths and easily design and develop a variety of edge services without having to go into the details of components they are unfamiliar with.

The edge service enabling platform provides lifecycle management for the service catalog and builds the edge services described within the service catalog, using services and resources from external infrastructure providers.

Business Use Cases

Edge Service Design & Creation

  • Device & infrastructure providers benefit from being able to provide their device or infrastructure as a library included in the service catalog, easily customized and plugged in to a variety of edge service designs, expanding the number of users for their products.
  • Edge service designers can create new service designs or extend existing ones without being required to create ad-hoc solutions for each device or infrastructure component they use.
  • Edge service users can choose an edge service design that best fits their needs from a variety of available designs, and easily customize it for deployment with minimal knowledge of the complexities of each component in the design.

Business Cost –

Initial Build Cost Target Objective

  • Platform deployment cost: The platform will be deployed as cloud native containerized system using zero touch deployment. 
  • API connectivity setup cost: The platform will support zero touch provisioning for API connectivity with external systems (e.g., edge infrastructure service systems, application SDK systems), which makes their services available automatically.

Business Cost –

Target Operational Objective

  • Service catalog / library LCM cost: The platform provides a single pane of glass solution for LCM, which saves user's time and expense.
  • Edge service deployment and test cost: The platform supports zero touch deployment, automated test, monitoring, usage payment capabilities for edge services described in the service catalog.

Security NeedsIAM for Platform user, Catalog integrity, Device/Software Supply Chain Security, External Service API security

Depending on type of application handled, GDPR or other regulatory requirements may be applicable.

Other RestrictionsNone
Additional Details

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