TSC 2020-12-08 (Tues) 7 am Pacific

TSC 2020-12-08 (Tues) 7 am Pacific

Meeting Time: 07:00 AM PT / 03:00 PM UTC (See call time in different zones)

BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/808329801?pwd=b2pmd3dQZitkSDlsQkNGMTd3K09yZz09

Meeting Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/BtyqxlS51E9tLe57RDr7xM4IWGhJblYPSnYEzVTcBe-EuTj2eczN0RYzrSRdvarO.LWagxN07i8vPwlMi?startTime=1607439433000

(Example of collaborative meeting minutes, using Presos/Notes/Links: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/TSC+2020-03-12)


AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 


Agenda Items

Presented By


5Raise a motion to require presentations to TSC meetings to include a link to the presentation in the agenda prior to the meetingJeff BrowerOr alternatively post the link in meeting chat. This will allow TSC members to go back and forth through slides during the presentation regardless of the screen share, hopefully leading to better understanding of the material and generation of more and/or informed. This would also help with laptops not displaying screen share correctly in Zoom browser mode


Release 4 Planning

Release 4 Review of 

discussion of voting and proxies from emailsee text below

Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)


Hello TSC members,
On the vote this morning, since the resolution voted on is not time sensitive, I would recommend that we hold off until Tuesday (or Thursday), verify that there is quorum and take the vote on the motion as the first thing.  
Looking up the rules did lead to the discovery of a mismatch between our Technical Charter and the Technical Community Document.

Here are important areas (thank you Brett and Andrew):

Technical Charter (3b): Quorum for TSC meetings requires at least fifty percent of all voting members of the TSC to be present. The TSC may continue to meet if quorum is not met, but will be prevented from making any decisions at the meeting. (3c): Except as provided in Section 7.c. and 8.a, decisions by vote at a meeting require a majority vote of those in attendance, provided quorum is met. Decisions made by electronic vote without a meeting require a majority vote of all voting members of the TSC.

Community Document: Introduction "This Technical Community Document is intended to provide additional operational guidelines for the Project, and is subject to the Technical Charter."

Community Document (4.4.1): 
At the transition point and until changed by the TSC there shall be up to 20 seats on the TSC including the chair and co-chair.
Decisions of the TSC should be made by majority vote of TSC Members.
A TSC vote requires a quorum of TSC members to be valid, a quorum consisting of at least 51% of TSC Members present or casting a vote.
Any vote of TSC members that result in a tie shall be considered as not approved.

So given our situation this morning where there were 10 of 20 TSC members present and the vote was 10-0:
According to the Technical Charter, the vote was valid and the motion passed (quorum is 50%, which we had, and a simple majority of the votes cast (6 votes) ).

According to the Community Document, we did not have quorum, therefore no vote.  But if we had 11 TSC members and 10 voted in favor of the motion, the motion would fail. (Need a majority vote of TSC Members, which would be 11 votes)

Since this could cause problems in the future, we should look into updating the document(s) to make them consistent. 

The second topic is on proxies, neither document does not mention Proxies.  This is something that should be looked into and have the TSC decide how they would like this handled.
1.  Should there be proxies?
2.  Can the proxy be from a different company?
3.  Does proxy need to be provided prior to the meeting, and by what means (e.g. must email tsc mail list prior to the meeting)
4.  Can TSC voting members provide a Named Alternate (from the same company?), so they don't need to email the mail list every time.

Votes (template below)

TSC Voting to Approve a motion to require presentations to TSC meetings to include a link to the presentation in the agenda prior to the meeting:

Motion: Tina Tsou (Deactivated)

Second: Peter Pouliot

12-0 motion passes

Zoom Chat Log

Voting Template

TSC Voting to Approve XYZ:

