Running bluval in CI

Running bluval in CI

This guide describes how to use the tools provided by the validation project in an existing Continuous Integration pipeline. It is assumed that the reader has knowledge of Jenkins, Jenkins Job Builder and CI principles. For general information on CI, check CI Environment Overview and Jenkins Guide

The Akraino community has two types of labs:

  • Private labs, that run individual Jenkins Master

Both labs push the logs to a public repository on Nexus: https://nexus.akraino.org/content/sites/logs/. For more details on pushing the logs to Nexus, please check How to: Push Logs to Nexus

In order to run Bluval in CI, the Jenkins slave must have docker and python3 installed.

The JJB templates

The validation project provides JJB templates that are used to automate running the tests in CI. The templates - akraino-validation-lab-daily and bluval-run-daily-tests - are located in the Akraino ci-management project, in jjb/akraino-templates/akraino-validation-templates.yaml. A Jenkins job is created for each of these templates:


- project:
    name: lab
    project-name: validation
    project: validation
    build-node: '{build-node}'
      - master:
          branch: '{stream}'
          gs-pathname: ''
          disabled: false
      - enea
      #- <add_new_lab_here>
      - akraino-validation-lab-daily


- project:
    name: bluval
    project-name: validation
    project: validation
    build-node: '{build-node}'
    group-id: org.akraino.validation
    refspec: refs/heads/master
    branch: master
      - project-view
      - iec
      - rec
      #- <add_new_blueprint_here>
      - master:
          branch: '{stream}'
          gs-pathname: ''
          disabled: false
      - bluval-run-daily-tests

Labs integrated with LF Jenkins

In order to enable running validation on lab that is integrated with LF, you need to

  1. Submit a patch in the validation project that defines the tests that will be ran by your blueprint. The full list of available tests are in the bluval-base.yaml file. Check bluval-iec.yaml as an example.
  2. Submit a patch in the ci-management project that:
    1. Add your lab in validation_lab list of the akraino-validation-lab-daily job, in the lab.yaml file; this value must be the same as the silo name where you are pushing the results into nexus
    2. Add your blueprint to the blueprint list of the bluval-run-daily-tests job, int the bluval.yaml file; this value must be the same as the one used at step #1
    3. Call the akraino-validation-lab-daily job from your project and set the predefined parameters correspondent with your deployment; make sure that the validation job is called after the installation of the cluster. In the example below, the validation job is called from the iec installation template as a builder step:
- job-template:
    id: akraino-iec-install
    name: 'iec-{iecType}-{installer}-{deploy_type}-{os}-daily-{stream}'
      - trigger-builds:
		# call the job that deploys the k8s cluster
          - project: 'iec-{iecType}-deploy-{installer}-{deploy_type}-{os}-daily-{stream}'
            current-parameters: true
            same-node: true
            block: true
		# call the validation job for the enea lab
          - project: 'validation-enea-daily-{stream}'
            same-node: true
            current-parameters: true
            predefined-parameters: |
            block: true

Private labs

Each private lab has their own particularities in terms of how Jenkins master is ran. Here we provide some guidelines on how to take advantage of the LF jobs, but they need to be adapted to the particularities of your lab.

If you use JJB to run the jobs in CI, then you can use the templates as defined for the labs integrated with LF Jenkins at the previous step.

If you don't use JJB, you can generate the xml files from the templates above and inject them into your Jenkins Master. In order to generate the xml files, you need to install the jenkins-jobs tool and follow the steps below:

# install Jenkins job builder tool (it can be done in a virtual environment)
user@jenkins_slave:$ pip install jenkins-job-builder
# clone the ci-management repo
user@jenkins_slave:$ git clone "https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/ci-management"
# initialize the LF global jjb submodule
user@jenkins_slave:$ cd ci-management && git submodule update --init
# add your lab, blueprint and job as described in the section for Labs integrated with LF Jenkins
# generate the xml for your lab job
user@jenkins_slave:~/ci-management$ jenkins-jobs test jjb/ validation-<lab_name>-daily-<stream> -o <output-folder>
# genreate the xml for the bluval job
user@jenkins_slave:~/ci-management$ jenkins-jobs test jjb/ validation-<lab_name>-daily-<stream> -o <output-folder

The output-folder will contain files with the XML configurations. Note that since the validation job is a template with variables in its name (e.g. validation-<lab_name>-daily-<stream> in the command above) must be manually expanded before use. For example, the commands below will generate the validation jobs for the iec blueprint ran in enea lab:

user@jenkins_slave:~/ci-management$ jenkins-jobs test jjb/ validation-enea-daily-master -o generate_xml
user@jenkins_slave:~/ci-management$ jenkins-jobs test jjb/ bluval-daily-master -o generate_xml
user@jenkins_slave:~/ci-management$ ls -al generate_xml/
total 40
drwxrwxr-x 2 user user  4096 mar  2 17:43  .
drwxrwxr-x 9 user user  4096 mar  2 17:39  ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user   934 mar  2 17:43 '00-Empty View'
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 13255 mar  2 17:43  bluval-daily-master
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user   858 mar  2 17:43  CLM
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user  4182 mar  2 17:39  validation-enea-daily-master

Details about how the tests are ran

In order to run the tests, the validation JJB template calls the run_bluval.sh script. This script creates the environment needed by Blueprint Validation Framework and it calls blucon tool to run the tests. The script can be used as-is outside the ci-management jobs, and can be customized for your blueprint running in a private lab.

usage: ./jjb/shell/run_bluval.sh -n <blueprint_name>

The script can be called using parameters detailed below:

-n <blueprint_name> The blueprint name is mandatory. The tests are run using the file  validation/bluval/bluval-$blueprint_name.yaml

-r <results_dir> The location to where to store the results. If this parameter is not provided then path $(pwd)/results is used

-b <blueprint_yaml> The yaml file used to run the tests. This file is copied in validation/bluval/ folder before running the blucon tool

-k <k8s_config_dir> The location where the script copies the kube config files needed for access to the cluster. If not provided the path $(pwd)/kube is used

-j <k8s_master> The IP address of k8s master node. If this parameter is not given the script will use $K8S_MASTER_IP

-u <ssh_user> User to connect to k8s master node. If this is not set then $K8S_SSH_USER will be used

-s <ssh_key> Path to key used to connect to k8s master node. If login is done using password then the $K8S_SSH_PASSWORD

-l <layer> The blueprint layer to be used. If not set, $LAYER will be used.

-o : If used, the blucon will run the optional tests also. If not set, then $OPTIONAL will be used.

-v <version> Version to be used. If not set than $VERSION will be used.

The script can be configured by setting shell variables before calling the script or using parameters. Below is an example of shell configuration before calling the script.

export K8S_MASTER_IP=

export K8S_SSH_USER=ubuntu

export K8S_SSH_KEY=/var/lib/opnfv/mcp.rsa

export BLUEPRINT=iec

export LAYER=k8s

export VERSION=master

export OPTIONAL=false

./jjb/shell/run_bluval.sh -n iec

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