API Documentation - R6 (MEC-based)

API Documentation - R6 (MEC-based)

This section contains the API documentation related to release 6 of this blueprint.

The API information of this blueprint is as follows:

Kalman filter model API information
ModelParameter typeParameter nameDescription of parameter
Kalman filter


vehicleidthe unique identifier of a vehicle.
timecurrent timestamp 't'.
longitudeGeographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of a vehicle on the Earth's surface.
latitudeGeographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface.
angleAngle 0-359.99 to approximate the direction of a vehicle.
speedSpeed of the vehicle at time 't'.
laneLane number on which the vehicle is running.
posPosition of vehicle on which the vehicle is running on.


longitudePredicted longitude.
latitudePredicted latitude.
rectifiedLongitudePredicted longitude.
rectifiedLlatitudePredicted latitude.
Note: The API has is a work under development and its container process will be available for download/pull at the following link.

The steps to start the API server that

  1. Clone the code from the repository (if you haven't cloned it before). Link: pred-vanet-mec - gerrit.akraino.org:

    git clone "https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/pred-vanet-mec"
  2. Run the following command to start the API-server:

    # OR 
    python NAME-OF-API-SERVER.py --port PORT-NUMBER