March 2021 Akraino Project presentation to ETSI MEC ISG
March 2021 Akraino Project presentation to ETSI MEC ISG
From: C***** B******* <c******.b*******@etsi.org>
Date: ons 24 mars 2021 kl 08:59
Subject: RE: Akraino OH Pres to ETSI MEC on March 23rd 2021
To: i**@a*****.se <i**@a*****.se>
Dear Ike,
Thank you, I have uploaded the pdf file to the ETSI Portal.
Best regards,
C. B. – Technical Officer
ETSI ● www.etsi.org ● chantal.bonardi@etsi.org
Phone: +33 (0)4 92 94 XX XX ● Mobile: +33 (0)6 87 XX XX
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