Kontour Feature Project Meetings

Kontour Feature Project Meetings

Fortnightly meetings on Tuesdays at 19:30 IST.

Akraino 2 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Kontour Feature Project biweekly meeting

Every 2 weeks on Tuesday, until Dec 21, 2021, 23 occurrence(s)

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Weekly: https://zoom.us/meeting/tJwqcuyvrjMjHdZ-GaZRcdIk1QdlIzF5lUjD/ics?icsToken=98tyKuCgqT4vHdSduR6FRow-B4_4Z-3ziFxEgqdn0TjkORJQZir9Z9NGPptlNo3c
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Meeting ID: 987 5570 8972
Passcode: 004597
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30 March, 2021, 1930 ~ 19:50 IST


Manik Sidanamanik@voereir.com
Safiyat Rezasafiyat@voereir.com

Recording Link:

To be updated.

Minutes of Meeting:

  1. Follow-up discussion based on last meeting(03/16).
  2. 3 new KPIs are updated.
  3. It was decided to add more KPIs and also provide a mapping of the tests for each KPI.

16 Mar, 2021, 1930 ~ 1945 IST


Manik Sidanamanik@voereir.com

Abhimanyu Bhatter


Safiyat Rezasafiyat@voereir.com

Recording Link:

16 Feb, 2021, 1930 ~ 19:50 IST


Manik Sidanamanik@voereir.com
Tina Tsoutina.tsou@arm.com

Abhimanyu Bhatter


Safiyat Rezasafiyat@voereir.com

Recording Link:

Minutes of Meeting:

  1. Overview on where Kontour is currently. A quick walk through of KPIs was done.
  2. Discussion around bringing in MEC APIs KPI into Kontour.
  3. In next meeting, it will be discussed on what KPIs we can bring into Kontour for MEC API conformance

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