R3 - Release Notes

R3 - Release Notes


The 5G MEC BP is focused on deploying cloud gaming, HD video or live broadcasting services at the 5G network edge, to take advantage of the significant latency reduction brought by 5G air interface as well as mobile edge computing.

As the cornerstone of the BP, OpenNESS is employed to enable easy orchestration of edge services and network functions across diverse network platform and access technologies in multi-cloud environments. Besides,  a couple of new components are also added to meet the requirements of cloud service providers (CSP).

What's released

Edge GW

  • EAA microservice for edge application registration.
  • LDNS microservice, which acts a DNS server. Other functions defined in the Architecture Documentation, including fowarding of DNS request/response and parse of DNS response are scheduled to be included in the next release.
  • POD-level traffic statistics collecting.

Edge Controller

  • DNS CLI, configuring DNS policies enforced by the LDNS hosted on each Edge GW.
  • Prometheus based telemetry 

5GC Emulator

  • Network Exposure Function (NEF), provisioning traffic offloading APIs to the CSP.
  • Application Function (AF), interfacing to NEF to trigger traffic offloading.
  • Shell script to perform signaling and data exchange with the Edge GW during traffic offloading. 


Software Deliverable

Software is available in 5G MEC/Slice repo.

Documentation Deliverable

Known Limitations, Issues and Workarounds

System Limitations


Known Issues


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