CI Best Practices
Code Review¶
All patches that go into a project repo need to be code reviewed by someone other than the original author. Code review is a great way to both learn from others as well as improve code quality. Contribution to code review is highly recommended regardless of activity as a committer.
Below provides a simple checklist of common items that code reviewers should look out for (Patch submitters can use this to self-review as well to ensure that they are not hitting any of these):
- Does the Git commit message sufficiently describes the change? (Refer to:
- Does the commit message have an ‘Issue: <someissue>’ in the footer and not in the subject line or body?
- Are there any typos?
- Are all code review comments addressed?
- Is the code rebased onto the latest HEAD of the branch?
- Does the code pull in any dependencies that might have license conflicts with this project’s license?
- Are imports alphabetical and sectioned off by stdlib, 3rdparty, and local?
- Are functions / methods organized alphabetically? (or categorized alphabetically)
- Does the change need unit tests? (Yes, it probably does!)
- Does the change need documentation?
- Does every function added have function docs? (javadoc, pydoc, whatever the language code docs is)
- Does it pass linting?
- Does the code cause backwards compatibility breakage? (If so it needs documentation)
Refer to Google’s blog (google-blog-code-health) on effective code review.
Generic Linting (Coala)
Coala is a great tool for linting all languages. The easiest way to run Coala is with python-tox and requires Python 3 installed on the system:
tox -ecoala
Running Coala without Tox can come in handy for executing Coala in interactive mode. In this case, install Coala in a Python viritualenv. Use virtualenvwrapper as it makes it simple to manage local virtual environments.
- Python 3
- Python virtualenv
- Python virtualenvwrapper
Install Coala
Some distros have a package called coala available but do not confuse this package with python-coala which is an entirely different piece of software.
Using virtualenv (assuming virtualenvwrapper is available), install Coala:
mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 coala
pip install coala coala-bears
coala --help
For future usage of an existing virtualenv, activate as follows:
# Re-activate Coala virtualenv workon coala # Run the coala command coala --help
Set up Coala for a Project
Use python-tox to manage a Coala setup for any projects that require linting.
- Python 3
- Python virtualenv
- Python Tox
Configure the project with a tox.ini and a .coafile file. Below are examples of .coafile and tox.ini as defined by lftools. Inside the tox.ini file the interesting bits are under [testenv:coala].
[all] ignore = .tox/**, .git/**, .gitignore, .gitreview, .gitmodules, node_modules/** [all.Git] bears = GitCommitBear ignore_length_regex = Signed-off-by, Also-by, Co-authored-by, http://, https:// [all.Documentation] bears = WriteGoodLintBear files = docs/**/*.rst [all.MarkDown] bears = MarkdownBear,SpaceConsistencyBear,WriteGoodLintBear files = **.md, **.markdown use_spaces = true [all.Python] bears = BanditBear, PEP8Bear, PyCommentedCodeBear, PyDocStyleBear, PyFlakesBear, PyImportSortBear files = *.py
[tox] minversion = 1.6 envlist = check-best-practices, check-hooks, coala, docs, docs-linkcheck skipsdist=true [testenv:check-best-practices] commands = python {toxinidir}/ [testenv:check-hooks] deps = pre-commit commands = pre-commit install pre-commit run --all-files [testenv:coala] basepython = python3 deps = coala coala-bears nodeenv commands = nodeenv -p npm install --global remark-cli remark-lint write-good python3 -m nltk.downloader punkt maxent_treebank_pos_tagger averaged_perceptron_tagger coala --non-interactive [testenv:docs] deps = -rrequirements.txt commands = sphinx-build -j auto -W -b html -n -W -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees ./docs/ {toxinidir}/docs/_build/html [testenv:docs-linkcheck] deps = -rrequirements.txt commands = sphinx-build -j auto -W -b linkcheck -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees ./docs/ {toxinidir}/docs/_build/linkcheck