Meeting Minutes 0901-2022
- Sep 1,2022
- Attendance list : hanyu ding Yanjun Chen from China Mobile, Tina Tsou (Deactivated) from ARM,@ZhonghuXu @JianpengHe from Huawei, @GuangmingWang @BaohongMa from MIGU, Fanqin Zhou from BUPT , @Yongchun gu from VMware, Mingxuan Lifrom China Unicom, Inspur
- BUPT do the introduce of CFN Ubiquitos Computing Force Scheduling: From the perspective of academic research, Mr. Zhou shared the research results of scheduling technology and computing force deconstruction. Put forward the requirements of multi-cluster network monitoring and in-depth discussions were held with community partners such as Huawei and China Mobile.
- Quick review of road map of BP, but need to do more discussion in next meeting.
- Meeting slides sharing: