TSC Member Special Election April 2021

TSC Member Special Election April 2021

We had a resignation from the TSC leaving an open seat.  The TSC voted to replace the member, thus kicking off this election.

Self Nominations ended on 13 April 2021, with two nominees putting themselves forward.  Ballots will be sent out to all eligible voters (longer list below) by Monday 19 April 2021*, with the election ending at noon on 3 May 2021*.  The email will come from OpaVote, so please be on the look out for it.

*dates are tentative, pending TSC approval. 

To view the current TSC, please go here.

No.NameOrganizationProjects Worked onPersonal comments
1Liya YuBaidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd

The AI Edge: School/Education Video Security Monitoring

The AI Edge: Intelligent Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation System(I-VICS)

2Manik SidanaVoerEir ABKontour feature project https://wiki.akraino.org/display/AK/KONTOUR

Akraino Member election process is articulated in the Community document. Refer the sections for the details Section 4, 4.4.2, 4.4.3. 

Any community member who has made 20 or more contributions over the last year is eligible to vote in the election and any voter is eligible to run for the open seat  

Members are requested to review and update the details below before 13 April 2021.  If your name is not on the list and should be, please let Aaron Williams know. 

Members wishing to run for the TSC should indicate "Yes" for "Self-nominate for TSC"  and "No" if they do not wish to run.

No.NameOrganizationSelf-nominate for TSC (Y/N)Code: CommitsGerrit: ApprovalsGerrit: Active ChangesetsGerrit: Merged ChangesetsGerrit: Review CommentsJira: CommentsJira: Issues AssignedJira: Issues CreatedJira: Issues ClosedConfluence: CommentsConfluence: Pages CreatedConfluence: Pages EditedConfluence: Pages CreatedConfluence: Pages Edited
1Abhijit DasguptaHuawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
2Abhimanyu BhatterVoerEir AB