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There are two broad types of active activities:
(1) How to deploy part of ONAP components to the Edge
(2) How to enable ONAP to, collaboratively with the Edge orchestrator, deploy/manage VNFs in the Edge.
Questions for ONAP Edge Automation: (04/08/2019)
- What is the plan for the ONAP Edge project for El Alto, especially as it relates to Akraino?
- Are there plans to bring Edge-based use cases, and functional requirements to El Alto?
- Will these requirements come in through existing ONAP Project Components (e.g., MultiCloud, OOF etc)?
These are the edge related *proposed* use cases and functional requirements for ONAP El Alto.
- What are the planned ONAP Architecture changes to support the ONAP Edge work?
Work in progress for El Alto and Beyond
- What is the status of OSAM in ONAP?
Slowly progressing -- https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Release+4+%28Dublin%29+Use+Cases+and+functional+requirements
- Are there any current or planned POCs for ONAP Edge use cases?
Distributed Analytics as a Service was a PoC in Dublin.