08/19-20/2019 Akraino Mini Summit

08/19-20/2019 Akraino Mini Summit

The Linux Foundation Akraino Edge Stack community is conducting a mini-summit on August 19-20th in San Diego. The mini-summit will be hosted at Qualcomm headquarters and will occur the two days before the Linux Foundation Open Source Summit North America. 

The event will cover demos of Akraino Release 1 blueprints, planning for Akraino Release 2 and discussions on edge APIs and other edge computing related technical topics.  Led by experienced architects, designers and implementers, the mini-summit will provide a unique opportunity to learn best practices and acquire needed skills in edge computing space. There is no cost to attend the event and we encourage everyone interested in edge computing infrastructure to attend. 

Akraino Edge Stack, a Linux Foundation project initiated by AT&T and Intel focused on developing a fully integrated edge infrastructure solution.  The project is completely focused towards Edge Computing.  The open source software stack provides critical infrastructure to enable high performance, reduce latency, improve availability, lower operational overhead, provide scalability, address security needs, and improve fault management.  The Akraino community addresses multiple edge use cases and industries, not just the Telco Industry. Akraino community develops solutions and supports carrier, provider, and IoT networks. 

Thus, the mini-summit will provide the access to most comprehensive coverage of topics in edge computing space and provide a unique opportunity for peer networking to connect with fellow professionals and expert practitioners from industry-leading companies such as AT&T, Intel, Ericsson, Nokia, Qualcomm, ARM, Juniper, RedHat, Wind River and others.

Meeting Agenda Lead: Tina Tsou (Deactivated), Akraino TSC Co-Chair 

Please submit any questions about this event to tsc@lists.akraino.org.

Please RSVP below

Hosted by Qualcomm.

Dates and Locations: 


  • Qualcomm AZ Auditorium at 10155 Pacific Heights Blvd, San Diego, CA 92121 (corner of Pacific Center Blvd/Pacific Heights Blvd).

Day 1:

 The meeting will be held in Qualcomm AZ Auditorium and up to 3 multipurpose rooms.

Note: The Zoom meeting sessions will be recorded and posted to this event page. 

  • Qualcomm Hosted Breakfast
  • Meeting Start - 9am
  • Qualcomm Hosted Lunch - 12:00 to 1:00 pm
  • Qualcomm Hosted Coffee Breaks – 10:30am to 10:45am, 3:30am to 3:45pm
  • Meeting End - 5pm 
  • Qualcomm Hosted Happy Hour on building AZ rooftop

Please provide an RSVP (in person, via Zoom, or not attending) here for Day 1 of the event. This is very important for logistics and planning purposes.

(** for those unable to RSVP via the link above (Groups.io) you may RSVP at https://forms.gle/6Hi65VGH8Zpu5fmu7. The primary RSVP tool, and where any updates will be sent to, is the RSVP link above (https://lists.akraino.org/g/tsc/viewevent?eventid=497644&calstart=2019-08-19))

Day 2:

  The meeting will be held in Qualcomm AZ Auditorium.

Note: The Zoom meeting sessions will be recorded and posted to this event page. 

  • Qualcomm Hosted Breakfast
  • Meeting Start - 9am 
  • Qualcomm Hosted Coffee Break – 10:30am to 10:45am
  • Meeting End - 12pm
  • Qualcomm Hosted Lunch

Please provide an RSVP (in person, via Zoom, or not attending) here for Day 2 of the event. This is very important for logistics and planning purposes.

(** for those unable to RSVP via the link above (Groups.io) you may RSVP at https://forms.gle/6Hi65VGH8Zpu5fmu7. The primary RSVP tool, and where any updates will be sent to, is the RSVP link above (https://lists.akraino.org/g/tsc/viewevent?eventid=497645&calstart=2019-08-20))

Visa Letter Request Process: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/visa-request/

Recommended Airport: San Diego International Airport (SAN)

Distance from Airport: ~17 miles; 30 min drive.

Recommended Area Hotel(s): if wanting to stay near Qualcomm; ask for Qualcomm rate when booking stay

Transportation Options: Self driving, Taxi, Uber, or Lyft

Guest Parking Available: 

  • Qualcomm parking structure (entrance on Pacific Center Blvd)
  • or street parking

Corporate Security Access: Not applicable. Conference center is open. Will have attendee name badges on stickers.

Guest Wifi: Will be provided on site.

Special Note regarding events following the Akraino Mini Summit in San Diego:

Etherpad: https://etherpad.akraino.org/p/tV5VgzfX3g

Agenda: (Contact: Kandan Kathirvel (TSC-Chair) for edits/changes/addition to the agenda))

Day 1, Monday,  

Room: AZ Auditorium + 3 Multipurpose rooms

Time (Local time, PT)
8:30 am - 9:00 AMBreakfast
9:00-9:20 AM

Welcome note - Kandan Kathirvel (TSC-Chair)

9:20-9:30 AMSummit logistics- Tina Tsou (TSC Co-Chair)
9:30 am - 11:00 am

R1 blueprints to demo and present their BP


9:30 am - 9:50 am David Plunkett

Network Cloud Blueprint - Rover and Unicycle (R1 and R2 updates)



9:50 am - 10:10 am Andrew Wilkinson

Network Cloud Blueprint - OVS-DPDK (R1 and R2 updates)


10:10 am - 10:30 am Trevor Tao (Deactivated)

IEC blueprint type 1 (R1 and R2 updates)


11:00 am - 11:15 am
Coffee Break
11:15 am - 12:35 pm

11: 35 am - 11:55 am Paul Carver

Radio Edge Cloud Blueprint (R1 and R2 updates)

Slides in Powerpoint and PDF


11:55 am - 12:15 PM  khemendra kumar

Eliot R1 and R2 updates -



12:15 PM  - 12:35 pm Glenn Seiler

Starlingx R1 and R2 updates


Slides in pdf

12:35 pm - 1:15 pm

Lunch break

1:15 pm - 4:30 pm

External Speaker Presentations (Academia)

1:35 pm - 2:00 pm Xin Liu, University of California Davis 


Machine Learning Meets Cellular Networks

Machine learning has drawn much recent attention in its ability to model, predict, and control network performance and user experience, based on network measurement and user performance data. In this talk, we discuss our recent work on learning-based cellular resource management, using the example of collaborative-learning-based cellular tower parameter configuration. We will also discuss the challenges and opportunities of using machine learning techniques in networks.

2:00 pm - 2:20 pm  Aurojit Panda NYU and ICSI


Programming the Edge

In the last few years there has been increased interest in deploying application logic at the network edge to improve application performance and reduce resource utilization. However, the introduction of computation of network edges makes it more difficult to achieve correctness and efficiency, requiring developers to manually partition functionality between the edge and backend servers running at a cloud provider. In this talk I will present some early results from our attempts to build an edge programming framework that ensures correctness while providing abstractions that application developers can use to improve performance, and also briefly discuss application level concerns when adopting the edge.

2:20PM - 2:40 PM Professor Ken Birman, Cornell University


Enabling Cloud-Hosted Intelligence for Real-time IoT Applications

Deploying machine learning into IoT cloud settings will require an evolution of the cloud infrastructure.  Cornell’s open-source Derecho system represents a first step towards solving the resulting problems, but I’ll also point to open technical problems that will need to be solved as we progress further in this direction.


R2 blueprints (in dev) to show case what is coming next

2:40 pm - 3:00 pm Adnan Saleem Tencent

ELIOT AIoT in Smart Office Blueprint

3:00 pm - 3:20 pm Wenhui Zhang 

IEC Type 4: AR/VR oriented Edge Stack for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family

3:20 pm - 3:40 pm Sukhdev Kapur

Network Cloud and TF Integration Project

3:40 pm - 4:00 pm Shane Dewing

Time-Critical Edge Compute

4:00 pm - 4:20 pm  Srinivasa Addepalli

Integrated Cloud Native NFV/App stack family (Short term: ICN)

Presentation link:  https://lf-akraino.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/13679443/Akraino-Cloud-Native-Edge-Stack-external-v3.pptx?api=v2

4:20 pm - 4:35 pm Coffee break
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm 

4:50 pm - 5:10 pm Vikram Siwach