PCEI R6 Installation Guide

PCEI R6 Installation Guide


This document describes steps required to deploy a sample environment for the Public Cloud Edge Interface (PCEI) Blueprint.

Deployment Architecture

The deployment architecture is shown below. All Addressing and naming shown are for example purposes only.

Deployment environment components:

  1. One Host Server
  2. One Edge Multi-Cluster Orchestrator VM
  3. Two Edge K8S Cluster VMs
  4. Internal network connectivity to the Host Server and to the VMs

Pre-Installation Requirements

Recommended Hardware Requirements

CPU18 Core / 36 vCPU

Network Requirements

  • Internal Lab Network (RFC 1918 space)
  • Internet access (NAT'd)
  • IP routing in the Lab Network to reach VM interfaces

Software Prerequisites

Server OSCentOS 7.x or above
VM OSUbuntu 18.04
Upstream SWRefer to Deployment Guide Section

Installation High-Level Overview

The installation/deployment process consists of the following steps:

  1. Install CentOS on Host Server.
  2. Prepare Host Server for EMCO Deployment.
  3. Deploy EMCO.
  4. Deploy Edge Clusters.

Deployment Guide

Install CentOS on Host Server

  1. Connect to Host Server iLO interface.
  2. Start Virtual Console.
  3. Mount Virtual Media with CentOS 7 ISO.
  4. Install CentOS
    1. Assign correct IP address, Subnet, Gateway and DNS to the NIC.
    2. Include OpenSSH Server.
    3. Install KVM/virtualization.
    4. Add a user with admin privileges: onaplab user is used in this guide.

Prepare Host Server for EMCO Deployment

Step 1. Enable sudo without entering sudo password

sudo -i
# Uncomment the line below
%wheel  ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL

Step 2. Add sudo user to wheel group

usermod –aG wheel onaplab

Step 3. Enable nested virtualization

# Login as super user
sudo -i

# Check for the following parameter
cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested
# If it is Y, there is nothing else to be done. It is already enabled!

# If it is N, do the following:
# Edit /etc/default/grub file, and include kvm-intel.nested=1

# Rebuild your GRUB configuration
sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

# Enable nested KVM capabilities in /etc/modprobe.d/kvm.conf
# By uncommenting the below line

options kvm_intel nested=1

### Reboot the server

# Now, we should have the nested KVM capabilities enabled
cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested

Step 4. Install VNC Server (Optional)

Follow instructions at:


Step 5. Modify libvirt bridge IP and route mode

This will allow connecting to VMs and pods directly from the Lab Network. Please replace the sample IPs with your IP addresses. Please replace the interface name (eno24 used in the example) with you server's interface name.

cat <<\EOF >> netdefault.xml
  <bridge name="vmbr0"/>
  <forward mode='route' dev='eno24'/>
  <ip address="" netmask="">
      <range start="" end=""/>

sudo virsh net-list
sudo virsh net-destroy default
sudo virsh net-undefine default
sudo virsh net-define netdefault.xml
sudo virsh net-start default
sudo virsh net-autostart default

Add necessary routes to your Lab Network routers. The example below assumes the the Host Server IP address is

ip route

Deploy EMCO

Step 1. Generate SSH Keys

# Run commands below on the Host Server
cd ~/.ssh
chmod 600 id_rsa
chmod 600 id_rsa.pub
chmod 700 config
chmod 600 known_hosts

cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys
chmod 600 authorized_keys

echo "# Increase the server timeout value" >> ~/.ssh/config
echo "ServerAliveInterval 120" >> ~/.ssh/config

Step 2. Download software and install EMCO (AMCOP 2.2)

Note that the install process will:

  • Deploy a VM amcop-vm-01
  • Create a K8S cluster inside the VM
  • Deploy EMCO components on the K8S cluster
  • Deploy ONAP components on the K8S cluster
#### On the Host Server 

sudo yum install -y git deltarpm
mkdir -p amcop_deploy
cd amcop_deploy

## Download the installation package zip file

wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1PMyc8yULDeTIY0xNvY0RDf_7CSWvli3l' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1PMyc8yULDeTIY0xNvY0RDf_7CSWvli3l" -O amcop_install_v2.2.zip  && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt

unzip amcop_install_v2.2.zip

sudo chown -R onaplab:onaplab ~/amcop_deploy/

cd ~/amcop_deploy/aarna-stream/util-scripts

####### Install EMCO/AMCOP
# Edit inventory.ini file. Use IP address of Host Server and the username.

cd ~/amcop_deploy/aarna-stream/amcop_deploy/ansible/deployment
vi inventory.ini
[deployment_host] ansible_user=onaplab

nohup ansible-playbook ./main.yml -i inventory.ini -e deployment_env=on-prem -e jump_host_user=onaplab --private-key=/home/onaplab/.ssh/id_rsa -e vm_user=onaplab &

Step 3. Monitor the installation

# On the Host Server

cd /home/onaplab/aarna-stream/anod_lite/logs
[onaplab@os12 logs]$ ls -l
total 1980
-rw-r--r--. 1 root    root     510417 Nov 24 07:06 cluster_setup.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 root    root       2019 Nov 24 06:54 create_vm.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 root    root    1366779 Nov 24 07:15 deploy_emco_components.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 root    root     138233 Nov 24 07:35 deploy_onap.log
-rw-rw-r--. 1 onaplab onaplab      83 Nov 24 06:53 README.md

tail -f create_vm.log

tail -f cluster_setup.log

tail -f deploy_emco_components.log

tail -f deploy_onap.log

If Install fails and you need to restart, please do the cleanup steps below on the Host Server.

sudo virsh destroy amcop-vm-01
sudo virsh undefine amcop-vm-01
sudo virsh pool-destroy amcop-vm-01
sudo virsh pool-undefine amcop-vm-01
sudo rm /var/lib/libvirt/images/amcop-vm-01/amcop-vm-01-cidata.iso
sudo rm /var/lib/libvirt/images/amcop-vm-01/amcop-vm-01.qcow2

Step 4. Install Controller Blueprint Archives (CBA)

Update CDS py-executor


Kubernetes Cluster Registration CBA


Terraform Executor CBA


Helm Chart Processor CBA


Composite App Deployment Processor CBA


Ansible Playbook Executor CBA


Deploy Edge Clusters

Step 1. Edit VM creation script.

# On the Host Server
cd /home/onaplab/amcop_deploy/aarna-stream/util-scripts

# Add "--cpu host" option to the end of the below line
vi create_qem_vm.sh

virt-install --connect qemu:///system --name $vm_name --ram $(($mem << 10)) --vcpus=$vCPU --os-type linux --os-variant $os_variant --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/$vm_name/"$vm_name".qcow2,format=qcow2 --disk /var/lib/libvirt/images/$vm_name/$vm_name-cidata.iso,device=cdrom --import --network network=default --noautoconsole —-cpu host

# Save the file

Step 2. Deploy two Edge Cluster VMs.

These commands will create two Ubuntu 18.04 VMs with 100G Disk, 8 vcpu and 16G RAM and will copy the contents of the ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub key file from the Host Server to the VMs' ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

sudo ./create_qem_vm.sh 2 edge_k8s-1 100 8 16 ubuntu18.04 $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub onaplab
sudo ./create_qem_vm.sh 2 edge_k8s-2 100 8 16 ubuntu18.04 $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub onaplab

Step 3. Setup worker clusters inside VMs

# Find VM's IP addresses. On the Host Server run:
[onaplab@os12 ~]$ sudo virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 6     amcop-vm-01                    running
 9     edge_k8s-1                     running
 10    edge_k8s-2                     running

[onaplab@os12 ~]$ sudo virsh domifaddr edge_k8s-1
 Name       MAC address          Protocol     Address
 vnet1      52:54:00:19:96:72    ipv4

[onaplab@os12 ~]$ 
[onaplab@os12 ~]$ sudo virsh domifaddr edge_k8s-2
 Name       MAC address          Protocol     Address
 vnet2      52:54:00:c0:47:8b    ipv4

# ssh to each VM from the Host Server:
ssh  onaplab@
ssh  onaplab@

# Perform the following tasks in each VM:
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get upgrade -y

sudo apt-get install -y python-pip

git clone https://git.onap.org/multicloud/k8s/
# Run script to setup KUD clusters

nohup k8s/kud/hosting_providers/baremetal/aio.sh %

If the edge cluster deployment fails for any reason, please do the clean up steps below before you retry:

### Cleanup
sudo virsh destroy  edge_k8s-1
sudo virsh undefine  edge_k8s-1
sudo virsh pool-destroy  edge_k8s-1
sudo virsh pool-undefine  edge_k8s-1
sudo rm /var/lib/libvirt/images/edge_k8s-1/edge_k8s-1-cidata.iso
sudo rm /var/lib/libvirt/images/edge_k8s-1/edge_k8s-1.qcow2

sudo virsh destroy  edge_k8s-2
sudo virsh undefine  edge_k8s-2
sudo virsh pool-destroy  edge_k8s-2
sudo virsh pool-undefine  edge_k8s-2
sudo rm /var/lib/libvirt/images/edge_k8s-2/edge_k8s-2-cidata.iso
sudo rm /var/lib/libvirt/images/edge_k8s-2/edge_k8s-2.qcow2

Modify sshd_config on VMs

To ensure that user onaplab can successfully ssh into EMCO and edge cluster VMs, add user onaplab to the sshd_config file.

## ssh to each VM:
ssh  onaplab@

sudo -i
cd /etc/ssh
vi sshd_config
AllowUsers ubuntu onaplab

## Save the changes and exit the file

Deployment Verification

EMCO Deployment Verification

Perform the following steps to verify correct EMCO deployment:

# Determine IP address of EMCO VM:
[onaplab@os12 ~]$ sudo virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 6     amcop-vm-01                    running
 9     edge_k8s-1                     running
 10    edge_k8s-2                     running

[onaplab@os12 ~]$ sudo virsh domifaddr amcop-vm-01
 Name       MAC address          Protocol     Address
 vnet0      52:54:00:1a:8e:8b    ipv4

# ssh to EMCO VM. You should be able to ssh without specifying the key:
[onaplab@os12 ~]$ ssh onaplab@

# Verify K8S pods:
onaplab@emco:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE     NAME                                            READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   calico-kube-controllers-6f954885fb-bb2mr        1/1     Running    0          28d
kube-system   calico-node-ldcpv                               1/1     Running    0          28d
kube-system   coredns-6b968665c4-6558h                        1/1     Running    0          28d
kube-system   coredns-6b968665c4-rq6bf                        0/1     Pending    0          28d
kube-system   dns-autoscaler-5fc5fdbf6-njch7                  1/1     Running    0          28d
kube-system   kube-apiserver-node1                            1/1     Running    0          28d
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-node1                   1/1     Running    0          28d
kube-system   kube-proxy-gg95d                                1/1     Running    0          28d
kube-system   kube-scheduler-node1                            1/1     Running    0          28d
kube-system   kubernetes-dashboard-6c7466966c-cjpxm           1/1     Running    0          28d
kube-system   nodelocaldns-7pxcs                              1/1     Running    0          28d
kube-system   tiller-deploy-8756df4d9-zq52m                   1/1     Running    0          28d
onap          dev-cassandra-0                                 1/1     Running    0          28d
onap          dev-cassandra-1                                 1/1     Running    0          28d
onap          dev-cassandra-2                                 1/1     Running    0          28d
onap          dev-cds-blueprints-processor-6d697cc4d6-wzlfj   0/1     Init:1/3   0          28d
onap          dev-cds-db-0                                    1/1     Running    0          28d
onap          dev-cds-py-executor-7dcdc5f7f6-tpfmg            1/1     Running    0          28d
onap          dev-cds-sdc-listener-f99d4588d-nt2tk            0/1     Init:0/1   4021       28d
onap          dev-cds-ui-7768bb4b-cfbzd                       1/1     Running    0          28d
onap          dev-mariadb-galera-0                            1/1     Running    0          28d
onap          dev-mariadb-galera-1                            1/1     Running    0          28d
onap          dev-mariadb-galera-2                            1/1     Running    0          28d
onap4k8s      clm-668c45d96d-99gpb                            1/1     Running    0          28d
onap4k8s      emcoui-57846bd5df-c774f                         1/1     Running    0          28d
onap4k8s      etcd-768d5b6cc-ptmmr                            1/1     Running    0          28d
onap4k8s      middleend-6d67c9bf54-tvs7s                      1/1     Running    0          28d
onap4k8s      mongo-7988cb488b-kf29q                          1/1     Running    0          28d
onap4k8s      ncm-9f4b85787-nqnlm                             1/1     Running    0          28d
onap4k8s      orchestrator-5fd4845f8f-qsxlf                   1/1     Running    0          28d
onap4k8s      ovnaction-f794f65b6-w85ms                       1/1     Running    0          28d
onap4k8s      rsync-7d9f5fbd9b-r72sp                          1/1     Running    0          28d

# Verify K8S services:
onaplab@emco:~$ kubectl get svc --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE     NAME                               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                                  AGE
default       kubernetes                         ClusterIP      <none>        443/TCP                                                  28d
kube-system   coredns                            ClusterIP      <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP                                   28d
kube-system   kubernetes-dashboard               ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP                                                  28d
kube-system   tiller-deploy                      ClusterIP   <none>        44134/TCP                                                28d
onap          cassandra                          ClusterIP   None            <none>        7000/TCP,7001/TCP,7199/TCP,9042/TCP,9160/TCP,61621/TCP   28d
onap          cds-blueprints-processor-cluster   ClusterIP    <none>        5701/TCP                                                 28d
onap          cds-blueprints-processor-grpc      ClusterIP     <none>        9111/TCP                                                 28d
onap          cds-blueprints-processor-http      ClusterIP    <none>        8080/TCP                                                 28d
onap          cds-db                             ClusterIP   None            <none>        3306/TCP                                                 28d
onap          cds-py-executor                    ClusterIP   <none>        50052/TCP,50053/TCP                                      28d
onap          cds-sdc-listener                   ClusterIP     <none>        8080/TCP                                                 28d
onap          cds-ui                             NodePort    <none>        3000:30497/TCP                                           28d
onap          mariadb-galera                     ClusterIP   None            <none>        3306/TCP                                                 28d
onap4k8s      clm                                NodePort    <none>        9061:31856/TCP                                           28d
onap4k8s      emcoui                             NodePort      <none>        9080:30480/TCP                                           28d
onap4k8s      etcd                               ClusterIP    <none>        2379/TCP,2380/TCP                                        28d
onap4k8s      middleend                          NodePort   <none>        9891:31289/TCP                                           28d
onap4k8s      mongo                              ClusterIP   <none>        27017/TCP                                                28d
onap4k8s      ncm                                NodePort    <none>        9031:32737/TCP                                           28d
onap4k8s      orchestrator                       NodePort    <none>        9015:31298/TCP                                           28d
onap4k8s      ovnaction                          NodePort    <none>        9053:32514/TCP,9051:31181/TCP                            28d
onap4k8s      rsync                              NodePort    <none>        9041:30555/TCP                                           28d


# Determine EMCOUI Service Port:
onaplab@emco:~$ kubectl get svc emcoui -n onap4k8s
emcoui   NodePort   <none>        9080:30480/TCP   28d

# To connect to EMCOUI GUI use IP address of amcop-vm-01 and port 30480

To connect to EMCOUI GUI use IP address of amcop-vm-01 and port 30480:

Edge Cluster Deployment Verification

To verify deployment of Edge Clusters, perform the following steps:

# Determine Edge Cluster VM IP addresses:
[onaplab@os12 ~]$ sudo virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 6     amcop-vm-01                    running
 9     edge_k8s-1                     running
 10    edge_k8s-2                     running

[onaplab@os12 ~]$ sudo virsh domifaddr edge_k8s-1
 Name       MAC address          Protocol     Address
 vnet1      52:54:00:19:96:72    ipv4

[onaplab@os12 ~]$ sudo virsh domifaddr edge_k8s-2
 Name       MAC address          Protocol     Address
 vnet2      52:54:00:c0:47:8b    ipv4

# ssh to each VM from the Host Server. You should be able to ssh without specifying the key:
ssh onaplab@
ssh onaplab@

# Perform the following tasks inside the VMs:
onaplab@localhost:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE                NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system              cmk-rpgd7                                     2/2     Running   0          28d
kube-system              coredns-dff8fc7d-2xwrk                        0/1     Pending   0          28d
kube-system              coredns-dff8fc7d-q2gcr                        1/1     Running   0          28d
kube-system              dns-autoscaler-66498f5c5f-2kzmv               1/1     Running   0          28d
kube-system              kube-apiserver-localhost                      1/1     Running   0          28d
kube-system              kube-controller-manager-localhost             1/1     Running   0          28d
kube-system              kube-flannel-8rm9p                            1/1     Running   0          28d
kube-system              kube-multus-ds-amd64-mt9s5                    1/1     Running   0          28d
kube-system              kube-proxy-ggk8m                              1/1     Running   0          28d
kube-system              kube-scheduler-localhost                      1/1     Running   0          28d
kube-system              kubernetes-dashboard-84999f8b5b-48xjq         1/1     Running   0          28d
kube-system              kubernetes-metrics-scraper-54fbb4d595-rw649   1/1     Running   0          28d
kube-system              local-volume-provisioner-bmkc6                1/1     Running   0          28d
kube-system              virtlet-vk7jl                                 3/3     Running   0          28d
node-feature-discovery   nfd-master-78nms                              1/1     Running   0          28d
node-feature-discovery   nfd-worker-k4d5g                              1/1     Running   45         28d
operator                 nfn-agent-zlp9g                               1/1     Running   0          28d
operator                 nfn-operator-b768877d8-vcx7v                  1/1     Running   0          28d
operator                 ovn4nfv-cni-4c6rx                             1/1     Running   0          28d

# Verify connectivity to EMCO Cluster
onaplab@localhost:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.457 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.576 ms

Uninstall Guide

Perform the following steps to remove EMCO and Edge Clusters from the Host Server:

sudo virsh destroy amcop-vm-01
sudo virsh undefine amcop-vm-01
sudo virsh pool-destroy amcop-vm-01
sudo virsh pool-undefine amcop-vm-01
sudo rm /var/lib/libvirt/images/amcop-vm-01/amcop-vm-01-cidata.iso
sudo rm /var/lib/libvirt/images/amcop-vm-01/amcop-vm-01.qcow2

sudo virsh destroy  edge_k8s-1
sudo virsh undefine  edge_k8s-1
sudo virsh pool-destroy  edge_k8s-1
sudo virsh pool-undefine  edge_k8s-1
sudo rm /var/lib/libvirt/images/edge_k8s-1/edge_k8s-1-cidata.iso
sudo rm /var/lib/libvirt/images/edge_k8s-1/edge_k8s-1.qcow2

sudo virsh destroy  edge_k8s-2
sudo virsh undefine  edge_k8s-2
sudo virsh pool-destroy  edge_k8s-2
sudo virsh pool-undefine  edge_k8s-2
sudo rm /var/lib/libvirt/images/edge_k8s-2/edge_k8s-2-cidata.iso
sudo rm /var/lib/libvirt/images/edge_k8s-2/edge_k8s-2.qcow2

sudo rm -rf ~/amcop_deploy
sudo rm -rf ~/aarna_stream 



AMCOP 2.0 Quickstart Guide (Bare Metal) - EMCO Install Guide by Aarna Networks
AMCOP 2.0 User Guide - EMCO Config Guide by Aarna Networks

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