API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 29May20

API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 29May20

29 May 2020 / 9:00 AM PDT / Zoom meeting


Jane Shen, Jiafeng Zhu, Jeff Brower, Neal Oliver, Tim Epkes, Dan Druta, Swarup Nayak, Ike Alisson, Tina Tsou

Meeting Notes - Zhu, Brower


  • EALTEdge (Enterprise Application LTE Edge) Blueprint project API introduction and review   - Swarup Nayak
  • API portal and DECODE collaboration discussion - Jane 
  • API Whitepaper update - Jane

Meeting Notes

  1.     Swarup Nayak introduced API Documentation of Enterprise Application on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge)
  2.     Suggestion: Strong typing helps in the platform API
  3.     Resource management API is not included yet
  4.     Many enterprise services are not included in the solution yet
  5.     Can fill in the API definition link to Akraino API portal
  6.     We will invite ETSI MEC decode WG to put the API link to our API portal.

Suggest creating rules for API portal, get consensus across AKraino members.

  1.     The whitepaper will be published on Monday for review, we will discuss comments in the next weekly meeting. 

Additional Notes


Swarup - using ETSI MEC APIs
Group discussion about API typing: Neal - protobufs support strong typing. Tim - Python added a library for strong typing to improve anti-hacking/exploit security (called pydantic)
Jane - asked about EALTE resource management APIs

API Portal discussion, cont.

Jane - showed where EALTE would fit in API portal mindmap diagram
Jane - talked about OpenAPI, they use a combination of REST (json + yaml), gRPC (protobuf), and configuration file
Ike - mentioned TMForum “open digital architecture” and API interoperability
Jane - inter MEC communication (between edge nodes) should possibly be included


Jane - they are publishing ETSI MEC APIs in json / yaml formats
Neal - ETSI MEC supports PoCs, sort of like Akraino blueprints, shared an example slide
Tim - mentioned mockup testing
Jane - API portal can also list companies that commercially support ETSI MEC APIs, and which standards bodies (SBOs) they support
Jeff - suggested creating in advance criteria / guidelines for listing companies on the API portal, to avoid fights and finger pointing issues

API Whitepaper discussion, cont.

Jane - draft with all co-author contributions integrated is complete, will publish Google doc link for review
Jane - review at this point limited to co-authors and subcommittee members
Jane - we should look organization, logical flow, content; grammar review later
Ike -- mentioned Telstra’s “network as a service”

Action Items

  1. Jane to post Google Doc link with Whitepaper integrated draft
  2. Subcommittee members to review