ICN R2 Timelines




Plan/Status Tracking (Please update your JIRAs and note any issues/road blocks with date stamp)

Aug. 16th

Initial ICN intermediate release

ICN v.0.1.0

Sprint 1: Aug. 2nd

Sprint 2: Aug. 16th

Baremetal Operator

BPA controller - Provisioning


New KUD addons plugin

      • SRIOV
      • QAT
      • ROOK

KUD without any offline support

Oct. 30th

ICN v.0.2.0

Sprint 3: Sept. 2nd

Sprint 4: Sept. 16th

Sprint 5: Oct. 2nd

Sprint 6: Oct. 16th

Sprint 7: Oct. 30th

BPA controller software spec (BPA Software CR Specs)

BPA controller cluster

Itohan Ukponmwan (Deactivated)

  • 1st work is to get the software spec and unit testing
  • If it is not possible move the cluster to the next timeline Oct 15th
EpicJIRA Story

Sprint/Estimated Completion Date

Status/Actual Completion DateNotes
ICN-3 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-10 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 1Sprint 2
ICN-9 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 1Sprint 2
ICN-8 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 1Sprint 1
ICN-36 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 3Sprint 3
ICN-49 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 3Sprint 3
ICN-72 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint 4Sprint 4
ICN-73 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint 5Sprint 5
ICN-74 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint 6Sprint 6
ICN-75 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint 4Sprint 4
ICN-110 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 5Sprint 5
ICN-127 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 5Sprint 5
ICN-141 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 6Sprint 7
ICN-158 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 6Sprint 7

Rest API with MinIO

Enyinna Ochulor 

  • Add Unit testing to RESTful API
  • Containerizing the ResAPI agent, provide client and server communication
  • Add authentication to RESTful API
  • Clusterrole, clusterrolebinding and service account
  • Expose the RestAPI using Kubernetes Services
    • Expose as the nodeport
  • Documentation on the RestAPI
  • Possibly Load balancing to next timeline 15th
EpicJIRA Story

Sprint/Estimated Completion Date

Status/Actual Completion DateNotes
ICN-4 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ICN-50 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint 3Sprint 3
ICN-16 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint 5Sprint 6
ICN-51 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint 4Sprint 4
ICN-76 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint 4Sprint 4
ICN-77 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint 5Sprint 5
ICN-78 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint 5Sprint 5
ICN-79 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint 4Sprint 4

ICN-112 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 5Sprint 5

ICN-145 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 6Sprint 6
ICN-147 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 6Sprint 6

SDWAN CNF dependency. Moved to backlog.

ICN-152 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 6Sprint 6
ICN-164 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 7

ICN-165 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 7

ICN-166 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 7

Tingjie Chen (Deactivated) 

  • Finished the MinIO Client plugin, and follow up the PR for bug fixes and reviews
  • Running Mimio in Kubernetes cluster
  • Documentation for the Mimio in wiki to run in Kubernetes cluster
  • Investigate the storage backend solution for HTTP Server
  • Reliable volume for MioIO server export
  • Local controllers federation for MinIO deployment
EpicJIRA Story

Sprint/Estimated Completion Date

Status/Actual Completion DateNotes

ICN-25 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint 3Sprint 3

ICN-39 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 3Sprint 3

ICN-92 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 4Sprint 4Done and finished.

ICN-93 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint 4Sprint 4

Finished running standalone MinIO on Kubernetes environment, file patch: https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/#/c/icn/+/1587/

ICN-94 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint 4Sprint 4Create Wiki for Cloud storage for Local controller: Cloud Storage

ICN-100 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint 4Sprint 4

The Minio deployment with K8s has include the local storage volume and can provision to http server: https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/#/c/icn/+/1587/ 

PVC: minio-local-claim

folder to mount with volume: /mnt/minio

ICN-119 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 7Sprint 7Reliable volume for MioIO server export, file patch: https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/#/c/icn/+/1823/ in review

ICN-120 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 7NALocal controllers federation for MinIO deployment, which aim to remote clone, which will postpone to next release.

ICN-139 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 7NAThis for enhancement feature will postpone to next release.

ICN-167 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 7Sprint 7Sync with Enyinna for E2E test for MinIO cloud storage for REST API Agent, create patch: https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/#/c/icn/+/1839/ and try to integrate, and update icn:1753 to resolve E2E issues.

ICN-169 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 8
Describe the mechanism to check the object size in MinIO server.

ICN-181 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 8
Add the uninstall.sh to clean up the MinIO kubernetes resources to support clean in bare metal, and debug issues for Jenkins with CI/CD.

OpenWRT initial code for SDWAN with Intel QAT card

Huifeng Le (Deactivated) 

  • Presentation on the OPENWRT working
  • SDWAN configuration in OpenWRT
  • Working module with SDWAN
  • Containerizing the SWAN working module and creating rbac tor run on ICN

Including QAT is moved to Oct 15th timeline

EpicJIRA Story

Sprint/Estimated Completion Date

Status/Actual Completion DateNotes
ICN-40 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ICN-41 - Getting issue details... STATUS
ICN-64 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Sprint3Sprint3Wiki: ICN - SDEWAN 
ICN-96 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint4Sprint5

Blocked in ubus issue when install mwan3 application, reported in openwrt forum for comments: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/run-openwrt-as-container-failed-to-connect-to-ubus/44345 

Contact uCPE team for support

Manually enable OpenWRT service as workaround

ICN-97 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint4Sprint5Updated OpenWRT restful API support at ICN - SDEWAN 
ICN-103 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint5Sprint5
ICN-113 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint5Sprint5
ICN-115 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint6 Sprint7
ICN-163 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint7Sprint7

ONAP in local infra controller

Kuralamudhan Ramakrishnan (Deactivated) 

  • Task is to get the ONAP in the local infra controller with multicloud
  • Running Multiple cluster though bootstrap machine with KUD
  • Running workload ngnix helm chart in Multicloud region
  • After Sept 15th have SDWAN Helm chart as well
  • KUD offline will be covered
EpicJIRA Stroy

Sprint/Estimated Completion Date

Status/Actual Completion DateNotes
ICN-121 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-53 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 3Sprint 3
ICN-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-52 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 3Sprint 3
ICN-121 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-34 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 3Sprint 3
ICN-3 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-85 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 4Sprint 4
ICN-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-84 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 4Sprint 4
ICN-121 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-82 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 5Sprint 5
ICN-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-122 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 5Sprint 5
ICN-121 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-54 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 5Sprint 5
ICN-1 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-136 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 5Sprint 5
ICN-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-155 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 6Sprint 6
ICN-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-154 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 6Sprint 6
ICN-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-153 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 6Sprint 6
ICN-61 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-156 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 7Sprint 7
ICN-61 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-157 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 7Sprint 7
ICN-61 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-176 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 8

ICN-61 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-177 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 8

ICN-1 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-179 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 8

ICN-178 - Getting issue details... STATUS ICN-178 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 8

Baremetal VM with BPA controller Provisioning

Ramamani Yeleswarapu (Deactivated) 

  • Get the baremetal server in lab with ICN baremetal operator script
  • Using KuD install K8s and Virtlet, get the VM created
  • BPA controller get the IP address from the Virtlet running on the K8s compute cluster
  • Generate hosts.ini for K8s cluster on VMs
  • Deploy testing of K8s on VM cluster
  • Checking the Redfish support in metal3
EpicJIRA Story

Sprint/Estimated Completion Date

Status/Actual Completion DateNotes
ICN-1 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ICN-43 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sprint 3Sprint 3
ICN-44 - Getting issue details...