TSC 2022-07-26 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific

TSC 2022-07-26 (Tuesday) 7:00 am Pacific

Meeting Time: 07:00 AM PT / 03:00 PM UTC (See call time in different zones)

BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/808329801?pwd=b2pmd3dQZitkSDlsQkNGMTd3K09yZz09

Meeting Recording: TBA

(Example of collaborative meeting minutes, using Presos/Notes/Links : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/TSC+2020-03-12)


AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 


Agenda Items

Presented By

Presos/Note /Links/

Meeting Minutes

Tech Talk

10Categories for the 2022 Leading Lights Award under Outstanding Use case: Edge Computing


Open for nomination. LF will pay for one entry from Akraino

As per the Leading Lights web page:

"Awarded to the company that can articulate a compelling example of how it delivered edge computing solutions – either network or customer-facing"

Discussion on how to choose Akraino's entry ... should we nominate then vote ?

Would this be one blueprint or more than one ?  If more than one would we ask the PTLs to work together to present the blueprints as a single use case, or "shared effort use case", or similar ?

Action item: Jeff to ask Leading Lights admins if they have any preference for use cases with high level of interest – that's probably a good question because Akraino has such a broad variety / diversity of blueprints

Ike mentions blueprints as possibilities PCEI, SESS (robotics), ELIOT ...

Ike also mentions "third option" SoC with CPU innovation that competes with both Intel and Arm, example being Ampere Computing (Jeff - but this is not an Akraino blueprint, at least not yet)

15Akraino Fall Summit Planning
09/20/2022 - 09/22/2022 Akraino Fall Summit


  • Edge HPC
  • Autonomous Vehicle, Robotics
  • Edge Applications: social, privacy intensive, metaverse

  • New Stacks
  • Cloud at the Edge
  • Security
  • Full Stack with Cloud Native for Edge
  • Multi-cloud for Edge cloud /public cloud coordination

  • Mobile/Ultra Low Latency Infrastructure
  • 5G/6G
  • Edge MEC
  • Blockchain at the Edge

  • Operationalizing Deployments
  • Case Studies, Success stories, and Challenges at the edge

Call for hosts/sponsors

Call for proposals

Location: possibly at Google, Tina talked with Vikram Venkataraghavan, he's checking. Arm is a fallback, with space available for 20-30

Action item: Ike to invite Diego Lopez (Telefonica) to present at Akraino Fall Summit

Action item: Jeff to e-mail Peter Hong and Surech LC at Samsung about possibly hosting

15PTL Updates

Planning for REL7
Asif Mehmood (MEC-based Stable Topology Prediction for Vehicular Networks) was in attendance on this TSC meeting, Tina asked him about R7. Asif will hand over the blueprint to other lab members, possibly in Sep/Oct, and possibly start a new blueprint associated with his new work starting later this year

Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)


Votes (template below)

Zoom Chat Log


TSC Voting to Approve: 

Motion: Peter

Second: Jim