Automatic deployment with ansible

Automatic deployment with ansible

Instructions for Automatic installation Airship+Tungsten Fabric 

AWS environment:With these playbooks you can deploy the same environment as used for CICD validation. Playbooks can be used for full deployment or partially. For example you can deploy the AWS environment and Regional Controler and then manually deploy TF blueprint following manual Installation.

  • AWS spot instance (t2.medium) for Regional Controller
  • AWS spot instance (m5.4xlarge) for Airship-in-a-bottle with TungstenFabric
  • security group
  • keypair for authorization


Step by step guide for deployment Akraino  Network Cloud with Tungsten Fabric in AWS

Clone the git repository

git clone https://github.com/progmaticlab/akraino-ansible.git
cd akraino-ansible

Creating keypair, security group and AWS EC2 spot instances

ansible-playbook 00-create-environment.yaml

This playbook creates security group, keypair and 2 AWS spot instances which are available by ssh with the ssh identity akraino-aws-private-key.pem and user ubuntu. 

You can login on them with the command 

ssh -i akraino-aws-private-key.pem ubuntu@<ip_address>

IP addresses can be found in the files inventory/akraino and group_vars/all 

Deploying Regional Controller

ansible-playbook -i inventory/akraino 01-deploy-regional-controller.yaml

After this step Regional controller is available by HTTPS.

You can see ip address of RC in file inventory/akraino or group_vars/all.

Also you can login on Regional Controller by ssh with the command

ssh -i akraino-aws-private-key.pem ubuntu@<ip_address>

Deploying TF blueprint on Regional Controller

ansible-playbook -i inventory/akraino 02-deploy-tf-blueprint.yaml

After this step Tall yaml files  are generated and EdgeSite, Blueptint and POD are created on Regional Controller.

It starts local web-server and put ssh key and deploy.sh script on it.

Then Regional controller creates Airflow DAG and initiate the process of deployment Blueprint.

Process of deployment usually takes 5-6 hours.

Cleanup the environment

ansible-playbook -i inventory/akraino akraino-playbook-cleanup.yaml

As the result keypair, security group and AWS spot instances would be deleted.