TSC 2020-11-24 (Tues) 7 am Pacific

TSC 2020-11-24 (Tues) 7 am Pacific

Meeting Time: 07:00 AM PT / 03:00 PM UTC (See call time in different zones)

BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/808329801?pwd=b2pmd3dQZitkSDlsQkNGMTd3K09yZz09

Meeting Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/QcMAEjWajRTdNEJFUQo68rB6wnapi_u95K7QAPjTPF8_HkrOZh8dRBcZcnje0fX6.TEsKmIjmcJ8I-bir?startTime=1606229726000

(Example of collaborative meeting minutes, using Presos/Notes/Links: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/TSC+2020-03-12)


AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 


Agenda Items

Presented By



Vote to confirm Jeff Brower as chair of the API Sub-committee

Confirmed by unanimous consent

Telco Edge Cloud 


Diego R. Lopez, Telefonica


LF Edge: Project Annual Reviews

For Akraino, it would be good if we could target either the December 16 TAC meeting or the January 13 (first TAC meeting of the new year).

Details of the Annual Review Process, including submission instructions, can be found at: https://wiki.lfedge.org/display/LE/Project+Annual+Reviews

Examples from other Projects:

  1. EdgeX Foundry: https://wiki.lfedge.org/display/LE/EdgeX+Foundry+-+Stage+3+-+2020-08-26
  2. Home Edge: https://wiki.lfedge.org/display/LE/Home+Edge+-+Stage+2+-+2020-10-21

Action Item - Documentation Subcommittee will drive submission


Invitation to IEEE 5G Summit

Deepak Kataria

Vote to confirm BP Rural Edge

Rural Edge Presentation

Vote postponed. Review by Process Subcommittee underway

Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)

  • Tina Tsou (Deactivated)to obtain Telefonica presentation from Diego, and post to the Wiki Agenda page
  • Ike Alisson (Documentation Subcommittee) to lead Akraino TAC Annual Review submission

Votes (template below)

Zoom Chat Log

Voting Template

TSC Voting to Approve Jeff Brower as API Subcommittee Chair:

Motion: Tina Tsou (Deactivated)

Second: Sukhdev Kapur

Result: Vote was approved unanimously.