Akraino Portal Feature Project

Akraino Portal Feature Project

Project Technical Lead: 

Project Committers detail:

Initial Committers for a project will be specified at project creation. Committers have the right to commit code to the source code management system for that project.

A Contributor may be promoted to a Committer by the project’s Committers after demonstrating a history of contributions to that project.

Candidates for the project’s Project Technical Leader will be derived from the Committers of the Project. Candidates must self nominate by marking "Y" in the Self Nominate column below by Jan. 16th. Voting will take place January 17th.

Only Committers for a project are eligible to vote for a project’s Project Technical Lead.

Please see Akraino Technical Community Document section 3.1.3 for more detailed information.





Contact Info

 Committer BioCommitter Picture 

Self Nominate for PTL (Y/N)

Gerry WinsorNokiagerald.winsor@nokia.comGerry is a Senior Consultant with Nokia NSW, who has worked on Hybrid Cloud designs & deployments since 2012. Gerald has been responsible for design & productization of Hybrid Cloud Management and API Management solutions, and has delivered Developer Ecosystem management solutions for numerous MSPs.

Use Case Details:



Companies Participating / Committers

Requested Release / Timeline


Akraino Portal (Dashboard & GUI)

Akraino Portal provides user interface to deploy edge sites, install additional software, initiate add-on services, enable testing services, etc.

  1. Define the new, more modern, overall look and feel/design paradigm for the Akraino Regional Controller Portal.
  2. Akraino edge stack functionalities are available through self-driven   rich user interfaces. Users can log into
    the web portal and perform various functions supported by the Akraino edge stack solution.
  3. The latest Akraino release supports: build and deploy of unicycle blueprints and supports deployment of rover blueprints for edge sites. Provides ability to upload input YAML file that contains site specific POD configuration information for build and deploy.
  4. Future plans include integration with other,soon to be open sourced, tools such as PINC, NARAD to source h/w and n/w info, as well as supporting deployment of future blueprints.
  5. Additional user driven functionalities are also supported via web portal:

a. e2e testing for Tempest to verify open stack installation & readiness
b. Installing additional software on edge site such as ONAP, CHOMP (an emerging solution for edge site monitoring with an eye towards full life cycle management of the edge.)
c. VNF hoarding   where users can onboard a VNF through self   driven UI navigation. 




Impacted Blueprint Family - Network Cloud

See attachment for additional details


The following document lists detailed reasons for having a Portal, how it improves the overall functionality of Akraino and very detailed mockup's of suggested portal screens which represent movement to a new and more modern design paradigm with better human factors. These materials were presented at the first weekly Portal Feature Project Team meeting.