Technical Community Sub-committee

Technical Community Sub-committee

Community Sub-committee organizes weekly community calls, takes feedback from community and reports to TSC.

The community calls cover Akraino technical topics such as future plans, discussions about collaboration with other communities, and updates from Akraino projects.

The focus is on information sharing and collaboration to further common strategies and goals. 

When reviewing blueprints in incubation stage, the Technical Community Subcommittee shall:

  1. Attempt to gain an understanding of the blueprint's overall goals, objectives, and long-term direction in edge computing
  2. Look for and discuss with blueprint PTLs areas of synergy with (a) other blueprints, (b) upstream and downstream communities, and (c) Akraino regional organizations
  3. Map the blueprint onto overall edge computing technical marketing areas being promoted by Akraino and LF Edge, for example edge cloud, data privacy, security, 5G/6G, Metaverse, Blockchain, MEC, high performance computing (HPC), etc

Sub-committee chair - Doug Eng .   Elected 13 Oct 2020 

Please join the Technical Community Sub-Committee mail list by self-adding within the Akraino Mail List Sub-Groups page. 

Note: Please ensure that both the name and email address for each member is listed on each sub-committee membership wiki page in order to properly set up CIVS voting when required.

Technical sub-committee members(From Nov 2023~): 

We have started the process to elect a new chair for the technical sub-committee.  The process started on 23 Nov and will continue until Noon 15 Dec 2023 (Pacific)  

The election process is two steps.  The first is for people to self-nominate for the position.  To do this, put a Y in the correct column if you wish to run for Chair.  The second step is to have an election for the position.  If there is only one person who has self nominated, then that person will be chair.  

Note: Please ensure that both the name and email address for each member is listed on each sub-committee membership wiki page in order to properly set up CIVS voting when required. 

Interested parties sign up:





Self nominate as Chair (Y/N)Self Nominate as Co-Chair (Y/N)

Technical sub-committee members(From Oct 2020~Nov 2023): 

Interested parties sign up:





Self Nominate for Chair Y/N 

(Closed 13 Oct 2020)

Tina TsouArmtina.tsou@arm.com
Tapio TallgrenNokiatapio.tallgren@nokia.com
Sujata TibrewalaIntelsujata.tibrewala@intel.com
Gerry WinsorNokiagerald.winsor@nokia.com
James WilliamsAT&Tjw4099@att.com

Yang (Gabriel) YuHuaweigabriel.yuyang@huawei.com
Xinhui Lisalesforcexinhui.li@salesforce.com
Doug EngRaedendoug.eng@att.netY

As per the Akraino Community process and directed by TSC, a blueprint which has only one nominee for Project Technical Lead (PTL) will be the elected lead once at least one committer seconds the nomination after the close of nominations.  If there are two or more, an election will take place.

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