There are different vendors providing uCPE based on multiple CPU architecture (x86, Arm, MIPS). VNF vendors cannot make their product be able to run over all these uCPEs. In our community, member companies will provide developer environment to adapt VNFs to different uCPEs. Most importantly, the community developers will help to finish the development. The VNF vendors need to clearly state their requirements or cooperate with member companies in their Blueprint validation/integration labs. In this way, the VNF venders are more likely to find potential partners and potential commercial market.
Company Name | Main Contact | Website | Get Started | |
Name | ||||
Riverbed | https://www.riverbed.com/ | |||
Fortinet | Yining Xing | jxing@fortinet.com | https://www.fortinet.com/ | |
Mr. Hu | ddhu@fortinet.com | |||
Palo Alto Networks | John McDowall | jmcdowall@paloaltonetworks.com | https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/ | |
Lin Shu | slin@paloaltonetworks.com | |||
Wei Huang | whuang@paloaltonetworks.com | |||
Checkpoint | Pulin Wang | pulinw@checkpoint.com | https://www.checkpoint.com/ | |
F5 | https://www.f5.com/ | |||
6WIND | Kelly LeBlanc | kelly.leblanc@6wind.com | https://www.6wind.com/ | vRouter + IPSEC |