# Task name Details Creation date Completion date Assignee Status - Voting for BP Request and follow up voting process.
Project Approved: 22 Sep 2020
- Request for PTL Request to initiate the PTL.
MalikAsif got elected as PTL: 08 Oct 2020
- Setup PM
Setup the Physical Machine:
Ubuntu 20 (ubuntu-20.04.1-desktop-amd64)
- Create 3 VMs Setup an hypervisorverify virtualization enabled install kvm/libvirtd Create a network for VMs Create 4 VMs (at start 3 VMs are enough) - Master - Vehicles/RSU(s)/BS(s) - Edge-1 - Edge-2 Test VMs connectivity MalikAsif
- Setup K8s cluster Setup a Master and two worker nodes (links: link-1 , link-2 , etc)
disable swap (persistently) setup the Multus as a CNI (using this link-1 ) note down the available IP-ranges for container applications:range: w.x.y.z/a MalikAsif - Setup Jenkins Setup Jenkins on PM. - Connect LF Server Integrate the Linux Foundation Servers. MalikAsif - Push CICD logs Confirmation of the CICD logs - Explore socket programming protocols in python Explore the containers inter/cross domain protocol options to enable communication among each other. - Explore/Research K8s network options Explore the networking plugin options that can be used in our proposed scenarios of vehicles:
Multus (multiple virtual interfaces) OpenShift-SDN CNI Links etc - Explore routing in DSRC-based communication DSRC range:
Routing considerations with DSRC/LTE both:
SDN-based routing application Multi-hop approach (using tables) MalikAsif - Documentation (pages & subsections) Architecture - figures/explanation Components - figures/explanation Scenarios - figures/explanationsimple diagram to understand the scenarios technical aspect of the proposed scenarios V2X Communication - figure/explanation Implementation - plan/approachcontainer vehicles maps (Jeju/Udo islands) proximity services broadcast content epc on the edge sites location prediction model sdn Relevant Blueprints Contributors References Ask Questions - table of questions Tasks - Vehicle-info container
(start/boot-priority = 1)
Design the database Develop the scripts to create the database Containerize it into the docker hub Setup a (dbeaver) plugin to access container databaseWindows Ubuntu Expose the port (or make it accessible on some portal) MalikAsif - Map container
(start/boot-priority = 2)
Downloaded .osm/.mbtile formatted files for Jeju/Udo Island GIS-based mapsset locally containerize it (Folium-based map server ) find .shp for Jeju/any city/area use wgs84/epsg4326 format (geojson) traffic data for vehicles (Jeju/any) pandas, geopandas, folium graphical analysis of traffic (map/graphs) interactive layers (i.e. ___) Setup the OpenStreetMap (PostgreSQL). Steps to setup locally .on local system containerize it make it accessible to the cars Analyze/correct the .osm maps for Jeju/Udo Islands Search ways for creating roads, intersection etc Implement roads. intersection etc Explore implementation options to dynamically move container vehiclesConsider the RSUs/BSs in this architecture MalikAsif - Vehicle container(s)
(start/boot-priority = 3)
Vehicle Class Attributes name curr_location [long., lat.] junction_location [long., lat.] curr_velocity [m/s] direction [N/E/S/W/NE/ES/SW/WN] possible_moves [N/E/S/W/ES/SW/WN] net_d2d net_d2b net_d2p range_of_net_d2d etc. Methods: Method details:
Turn (to describe) Accelerate (to describe) Broadcast (to describe) Park/Stop (to describe) Update the location Sync. the location to proximity server etc. - Map data processing/analysis Junctions Locations Road track points etc. MalikAsif - Proximity Service design with specifications Specify the criteria of updating locations of container vehicles Describe the the selected standard approach for implementing proximity service - Information: CVB vehicle implementation Ask CVB team, what analogy do they use to create vehicles/devices. MalikAsif - SDN Controller OpenShift µONOS others MalikAsif - Northbound Routing Application (container) Explore the OpenShift-SDN CNI Routing logic as a Northbound application Apply routing to: vehicle container network interfaces RSU container network interfaces Test the validity of routing MalikAsif - SDN-to-SDN communication East-west communication Mechanism to share information MalikAsif - Location Prediction Finding datasetsreal-time simulated link-1 , link-2 , link-3 Processing/Analyzing datasets Model detailsarchitecture? models:model A:input(s): output(s): model B:input(s): output(s): model C:input(s): output(s): model D:input(s): output(s): model E:input(s): output(s): Trainingtraining/testing data split training details Testingtesting time testing analysis Validation/Verificationdefine the validation metrics define the verification mechanism Exposing model REST API(s)define the endpointsdefine/document the JSON formats required Integration (basic) Integration (testing functionality) - Configurations Docker-compose Helm charts MalikAsif - Scripts Installation of basic packages:script to install kvm/libvirt script to install ansible script to install vagrant Provision the infrastructure using:vagrant (primary option) ansible (secondary option) To setup K8s cluster - using Ansible scripts:write a script to download/start 3 VMs write a script to install master/worker nodes node remotely write a script to setup the CNI plugin (if possible, configured with the chosen SDN controller) To bring up the applications - using Helm-charts/Docker-compose:ml model sdn controller container mapserver container proximity- service container vehicle routing ml application To deploy the SDN Northbound application - using ... MalikAsif - - Versions using for the blueprint Ubuntu: Host: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS: Focal Fossa VMs: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS: Focal Fossa Hypervisors:Qemu-kvm/libvirt: 4.2.1/6.0.0 Virtualbox: 6.1.16 platform packages: 6.1.16 (link ) Oracle VM virtualbox extension pack: 6.1.16 (link ) Infrastructure provisioners:vagrant 2.2.13 follow this link to solve secure boot problem using certificates K8s: v1.18.12 (binaries link )kubectl: kubelet: kubeadm: Multus-CNI: v3.6 (GitHub tag) Docker: 19.03.12 sudo apt-get install docker-ce=5:19.03.12~3-0~ubuntu-focal
Ansible: 2.9.6 ONOS: Python: 3.8.x (x=1-to-5) Dockerfile: python-3.8.1 Ubuntu host: python-3.8.5 etc: - Setup KubeEdge-based K8s cluster KubeEdge-based cluster with the above specified configuration MalikAsif - - Future considerations/directions:MEC-based runtime resource orchestration/provisioning Data analytics Autonomousity Much more...