TSC 2020-03-24

TSC 2020-03-24

BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/808329801

Meeting Recording: 



AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend


Quorum NOT met. (8 of 14 needed)


Agenda Items

Presented By



Quick review of this document and its purpose


Bluval- Blueprint Validation

Tapio TallgrenMoved to Thursday 26 March

Release Status


A. Votes: from 19 March- results

Motion: TSC Vote to approve Xuan Jia from China Mobile as PTL Chair for IEC Type 5 Blueprint Project-motion passed 9 -0

B. New Vote(s):

Rebeca Samir Chatterjee has been elected as Documentation Sub-Committee Chair.  TSC needs to vote to confirm.  

Need  a motion, "I motion that Rebeca Samir Chatterjee be confirmed by the TSC as Documentation Sub-Committee chair".  And then a second.

Kandan Kathirvel and/or Tina Tsou (Deactivated)

Meeting minutes of 19 March.

Item #3 of minutes above

Item #5 of the minutes above


Review and vote of  Developer facing API white paper and associated website for the week starting March 30th

Agenda Item (to add more, insert a blank row below this)


PTL Updates

PTLs to provide updates on the status of the Blueprints and Feature Projects

List of PTL's here


Upcoming Events

LF Edge in person events are postpone to after 30 April.  The events team is looking at this continuously.

EdgeX is doing the EdgeX Awards- is this something that Akraino is interested in doing?

EdgeX Awards

Action Items



Zoom Chat Log

00:13:40 Brett Preston: https://lf-akraino.atlassian.net/wiki/display/AK/TSC+2020-03-24
00:13:57 Brett Preston: Thursday = https://lf-akraino.atlassian.net/wiki/display/AK/TSC+2020-03-26

00:15:13 Kandan Kathirvel: Decisions of the TSC should be made by majority vote of TSC Members.

A TSC vote requires a quorum of TSC members to be valid, a quorum consisting of at least 51% of TSC Members present or casting a vote.
00:16:09 Kandan Kathirvel: https://lf-akraino.atlassian.net/wiki/display/AK/Akraino+Technical+Community+Document
00:21:57 Kural (Intel): Having issue with my mic
00:35:31 Aaron Williams (LF): LF Edge Speaker’s Bureau- if you would like submit yourself as a Speaker for LF Edge please go here: http://bit.ly/LFEdgeSB

Voting Template

TSC Voting to Approve XYZ: