API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 15May20

API Subcommittee Meeting Notes, 15May20

15 May 2020 / 9:00 AM PDT / Zoom meeting


Jiafeng Zhu, Jane Shen, Jeff Brower, Tina Tsou, Neal Oliver, James Li, Colin Hutchinson

Meeting Notes -- Zhu, Brower


  • An update on the whitepaper status - Jane
  • Infrastructure API portal discussion, continued 

Meeting Notes

1. An update on the whitepaper status:

We will finish the 1st draft by the next week, and ready for internal review, then send it to the editor before we submit it for TSC review. Although there are many aspects regarding MEC telco and public cloud interfacing, we will focus on the telco edge and application enablers in this whitepaper. To help app developers to understand Telco concepts can be very challenging. We use the edge enabler layer to hide 3GPP standard spec, and provide telco APIs; the application enabler interface handles user requests and passes it to edge enabler northbound API.  Topics like functional services and MEC infrastructure are essential for the current stage, inter MEC interfaces will be covered by another whitepaper.

White paper discussion notes

Jane - showed functional block diagram slide with app enabler and edge enabler as separate blocks
        - we can leverage ETSI MEC APIs in edge enabler
Jeff - can we add a layer inside app enabler that Akraino blueprints can use for interworking between them
Neal - would like to see draft diagrams posted
Jane - we need to cover 2 dimensions: architecture and how-to-build things (orchestration and management)
        -architecture diagram slide is in work

2. Infrastructure API portal

Has been presented to TSC, pilot projects will be included in the portal (PCEI release 3 with api documentation, KubeEdge). The purpose of the portal is an entry point for users, and provide links to various sources. What about APIs from non-Akraino member projects (Google)? As long as it is open source, under Apache 2.0, we can point a link to their websites, BUT we don’t market it. 

API portal discussion notes

Jane - mapping API to functional categories is 1st priority, 2nd priority is interworking between Akraino blueprint projects. Jane is working on a MindMap diagram showing API categories
       -can the portal include Intel's OpenNESS APIs; Neal suggested links from the portal to Intel’s interactive API documentation pages
Jane - we can use json files to define API interfaces
        -portal is somewhere in between documentation and sandbox
        -all blueprints should provide some form of API doc

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