REC Project Minutes 2020.01.23

REC Project Minutes 2020.01.23



  • AT&T is doing some preliminary work on adding load testing to the continuous deployment pipeline. This will include https://github.com/chengweiwang/Pktgen-DPDK-Latency-Jitter
  • Progress continues on Ampere support for Falcon and Hawk servers. Any discussion?
  • We continue to monitor ORAN-SC progress related to the second (codename "Bronze") release for any new requirements on REC/TA in order to integrate it. In the mean time, our deployment script for post-Amber (the codename for ORAN-SC's first release) is slightly broken (most of the RIC deploys successfully, but there are two pods with issues) and we are working on transitioning from the "old" RIC installation procedure to the "new" RIC installation procedure.
  • Routing "important but not urgent" development continues; refer to Gerrit for specifics
