REC Project Minutes 2019.09.26
REC Project Minutes 2019.09.26
- Paul Carver
- Alexandru Antone
- Tapio Tallgren
- Juha Oravainen
- Radulescu Valentin
- Shubham Tambi
- ankit tripathi
- Update on O-RAN INF
- Paul Carver presented an overview of Akraino and REC at O-RAN INF meeting https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/display/IN/2019-09-25+meeting+agenda+and+minutes
- Open Discussion
- Discussion of how to create a new blueprint for a variant of Radio Edge Cloud with a different (i.e. not O-RAN SC) RIC
- Blueprint Proposals - Create a child page based on the template. Describe what the purpose of the new blueprint is.
- Blueprint Proposal sample
- Technical Steering Committee (TSC) - Attend TSC meetings and request a timeslot to present the new blueprint after the wiki page has been created with the proposal details.
- Quick over view of how to install and build REC/TA
- REC Installation Guide
- How to Build a REC or Telco Appliance ISO
- https://nexus.akraino.org/content/repositories/images-snapshots/TA/release-1/images/latest/ - Location of pre-built ISO images
- https://nexus.akraino.org/content/sites/logs/att/job/Install_REC_on_OpenEdge1/ - CD logs (provides info on whether a given ISO image passed deployment testing. It's a good idea to check whether the ISO passed CD before attempting to install it)