Akraino Release 5 Marketing

Akraino Release 5 Marketing

Jill Lovato

1. Blogs


Akraino R5: Spotlight on the AI Edge — Federated Machine Learning at the Edge

By LF Edge October 21, 2021

This is the first in a series of brief posts focused on Akraino use cases and blueprints. Thanks to the many community members for creating the blueprints and providing these helpful summaries! 

By: Chaoyu Zhang  rolandwu  haihui wang Paula Black



Akraino R5: Spotlight on Integrated Edge Cloud, Type2 — LightWeight Multi-Access Edge Cloud (MEC) on AWS

By LF Edge November 4, 2021

By Site Administrator


1.3 Blogs of Project Cassini - IoT and Infrastructure Edge Blueprint Family

Parag Beeraka

1.4 Blogs of IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family

 zhang zhenhuan jin peng


Blogs of The AI Edge: I-VICS

By LF Edge December 6, 2021

By Zhuming Zhang  & Hao Zhongwang



R5 Federated MEC Platform BP Blog

Deepak Vij


Where the Edges Meet, Apps Land and Infra Forms: Akraino Release 5 Public Cloud Edge Interface

By LF Edge December 14, 2021

Written by Oleg Berzin, Ph.D., Co-chair of the Akraino Technical Steering Committee and Fellow, Technology and Architecture at Equinix

Oleg Berzin


2. Videos

2.1 IEC Type 2 for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family

2.2 IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family

3. Website


Kendall Perez

The following needs to be fixed

The AI Edge: Intelligent Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation System(I-VICS)

should be using content of Intelligent Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation System(I-VICS) Datasheet

Hao Zhongwang

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