CI Process
CI Process
Basic CI Services
- All CI services are run and maintained by the Linux Foundation
- The basic layout and operation of services is similar to other Linux Foundation-run sites (e.g. onap.org, acumos.org, etc.)
- The following services are provided:
- Gerrit: for source code (gerrit.akraino.org)
- Jenkins: for code builds and unit tests (jenkins.akraino.org)
- Nexus: for storing artifacts (nexus.akraino.org) and Docker containers (nexus3.akraino.org)
- SonarQube: for automated code inspection (sonar.akraino.org)
- Wiki: for documentation (wiki.akraino.org)
- Jira: for issues (jira.akraino.org)
- All services use HTTPS; in addition, Gerrit also allows ssh
A Linux Foundation ID is required for all services (identity.linuxfoundation.org)
New Projects
- The PTL reachs out to the CI/Blueprint Validation Lab sub-committee to create project under Gerrit and in other Linux Foundation infrastructure. This includes VMs or community lab share they may need.
- The CI/Validation sub-committee approves the request and assists the PTL to access the resources.
- PTL coordinates with the project team to start the development.
- Projects have a list of committers who can put code into the projects; this needs to be given to LF to assign to your LF account.
- We recommend projects be named as such: <blueprint-name>_<subproject-name>, so that different blueprints can be easily discerned in Gerrit.
- For new Projects: the CI/Blueprint Validation Lab sub-committee sends an email to helpdesk@akraino.org with name of project (lower case) and list of committers.
- Documentation in wiki generally refers to the latest master branch code (may be overridden by documentation subcommittee)
CI Process - Gerrit
- Code is submitted to Gerrit from the developer, using the git review command.
- Code is reviewed and voted on via the normal Gerrit code review process
- Reviewers need to have permissions (assigned by LF) to merge code
- LF uses a voting range of -2..+2; +2 code is eligible to merge
- LF guidelines on Gerrit use are here: https://docs.releng.linuxfoundation.org/en/latest/gerrit.html
- The code Review process is described here: https://lf-releng-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/environment-overview.html
CI Process - Jenkins
- Jenkins jobs are defined by Jenkins Job Builder (JJB) YAML files. Jobs are written as JJB templates, on a per-project basis.
- Jenkins jobs are primarily defined by Linux Foundation JJB code; although this is extensible.
- All Jenkins jobs are maintained in the ci-management project (https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/#/admin/projects/ci-management)
- LF personnel code review/approve all changes to the ci-management project
- More details are available here:
- The Jenkins Sandbox (https://jenkins.akraino.org/sandbox/) is available to do limited testing of jobs (without Nexus). This does not require LF approval, so it is a way to test out new JJB templates.
CI Process - Nexus
- All built artifacts are stored in Nexus
- nexus.akraino.org - .tar, .war, .jar and other files
- nexus3.akraino.org - Docker containers
- Individual CD processes retrieve from nexus as the result of Gerrit API events
nexus3 can be used to retrieve Docker containers (it supports Docker v2 API). There are four individual repositories here:
Repository Purpose nexus3.akraino.org:10001 a read-only repository metagroup that is comprised of the local docker.release and docker.io repositories. nexus3.akraino.org:10002 docker.release repo which is where releases should land after they have been blessed. We replicate from this out to the Docker hub organization. nexus3.akraino.org:10003 the "normal" repo where snapshots would go. nexus3.akraino.org:10004 The docker staging repo. Stage builds go here.
CI Process - Docker multiarch support
, multiple selections available,
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